I am used to getting up at 5 in the morning now, so I can't sleep in on the weekends.. I am on a sobriety kick and I dont plan on drinking for at least a month. I kinda have some sadness this morning and I don't know where it came from. Somtimes I am really sad when I wake up in the morning for no reason at all. Probably a good thing I won't be drinking for awhile I usually wake a up a little hungover on saturdays and I am begining to realize what a waste that really is. I want to travel and learn to speak a bunch of useless languages, I wish I had more money. I am making more at my new job but then again it's not really enough for travel. I am sitting here trying to figure out what I want to do with my day, I want to do something out of the ordenary. I hate it when I get in the habbit of doing the same thing day after day after day. Maybe that is why I have the sadness? I need something new and enlightening. I would pick up a new hobbie if I had the attention capabilities hehe. Then again hobbies can also be expensive. Any ideas? I went to a sciece fair last night!! That was fun it was more like a spooky sciend fair to bad you had to be 21 to get in I have a few underage friends that would love to have gone! I don't know if any of you recall a game called operation? The one where you had to use tweasers to get the little organs out. Well some guy built one of those games bigger than a king sized bed. You had to walk on the actual game and carry tweasars bigger than you yay! I also saw a really big valcano and my friend Trevor set up his circut bending table so people could plat with his stuff. I also, saw a door way with lazers coming out, So if you walked through it, you would make music I stoodd there for a long time sticking my hand through the door and, moving this way and that way just to hear the differant notes it was delightfull. mmm.. coffee sounds good now, that should cure my sadness
Try learning German it is a great language and it sounds cool too. well good luck with your search.