yuck.being awake with out any caffine assistance is unpleasent. especially if one spent the previous evening with a bottle of champagne...i think my head is going to float away and detonate in midair...stay away from cheap booze, that shit is the devil. going to go see jason webley later....that should be way rad...he's great. hes playing outside on a sunny day in a park where little wild bunnies roam free...what better way to spend an afternoon.uh oh...the coffee pot calls....take care everyone...\xoxoxoxRosarrrrio

Hey, dont bash cheap booze. It is a institutuion in America!

I know the feeling of being without caffeine...I can only imagine ( and even that hurts) a morning with not only an "un-caffinated" ( what kinda fucking wording is that!!! lol) headache..but a cheap booze one too! That's harsh! I'm actually thinking about cutting back on the coffee...it's so good, but I'm starting to think my sweet, sweet, cold coffee might be imparing me in some way. Then again, the Descendents?ALL guys seem to be okay.so you know what? Perhaps not. Hope the show rocks!