pirate set this morning
yeah thats good times. OH MY! i recieved a treat in the mail today BOY HOWDY! Now i'm prancing around my apartment in my brand new glorious SG panties!I must say my roomates are a tad freaked out, but they just don't understand the power that comes with pulling on a hot pink pair of underpants, that closely resemble underoos, except instead of represtenting batman and superman, i'm rockin the SG logo! yeah! way to be a superhero! i'd also like to say that once i get this whole, putting images onto my journal thing down, my entries should be a lot more exciting...hey, i never claimed to be the smartest cookie in the batch.
now i must go skateboard....
BLAST...strike that nevermind, its goddamn pouring outside....i loath seattle weather...xoxoxRos

now i must go skateboard....
BLAST...strike that nevermind, its goddamn pouring outside....i loath seattle weather...xoxoxRos