Haven't written in a while. Sorry. I should first let you all know that I haven't responded to anybody's comments/questions lately because something funny is happening with my browser. At least I think it is my browser. I am not given an option to submit a comment on anyone's page. Please know that I am not neglecting anybody, I just can't figure out what the hell is going on, and honestly, don't have the energy to fix it at the moment. I still snoop around at sights though,and am as interested as ever.
I went to Dante's last Sunday night to watch London perform, as well as two other SG's; Stormy and Germany. All three of them did a wonderful job and I was thoroughly enthraled and entertained with their beauty, and ability to seduce the crowd. More than anything I was excited to experience some of the other facets of SG. Those ladies have one strong grip on beauty, let me tell you! If you haven't had a chance to go on a Sunday on SG night you MUST try to get out there.
London and I have been discussing my next photo shoot, it should be interesting to say the least; I will be shooting with my cello. There is also a chance that I may begin performing at Dante's as well...cello maybe...a few metal songs and dance, who knows. I have to clear it with the boyfriend first, but something to supplement my broke-ass-college-student income would be very helpful.
Haven't had too many crazy removals lately. I did have the medical examiner call me one morning, around 4:00AM while drivig to a scene to let me know that he had left the scene to tend to another death call, and that the police would be present throughout the entire removal for our protection. Needless to say...it was an odd call. Both mental and physical strenght were required. I can't discuss much about what I do with the public, but there are tid bits that I can share.
I am now looking forward to moving back to Seattle for the summer. That in itself should be both exciting and challanging; tryign to find a removal position out there. All will be well as long as my dearest is near by, hopefully?!
I went to Dante's last Sunday night to watch London perform, as well as two other SG's; Stormy and Germany. All three of them did a wonderful job and I was thoroughly enthraled and entertained with their beauty, and ability to seduce the crowd. More than anything I was excited to experience some of the other facets of SG. Those ladies have one strong grip on beauty, let me tell you! If you haven't had a chance to go on a Sunday on SG night you MUST try to get out there.
London and I have been discussing my next photo shoot, it should be interesting to say the least; I will be shooting with my cello. There is also a chance that I may begin performing at Dante's as well...cello maybe...a few metal songs and dance, who knows. I have to clear it with the boyfriend first, but something to supplement my broke-ass-college-student income would be very helpful.
Haven't had too many crazy removals lately. I did have the medical examiner call me one morning, around 4:00AM while drivig to a scene to let me know that he had left the scene to tend to another death call, and that the police would be present throughout the entire removal for our protection. Needless to say...it was an odd call. Both mental and physical strenght were required. I can't discuss much about what I do with the public, but there are tid bits that I can share.
I am now looking forward to moving back to Seattle for the summer. That in itself should be both exciting and challanging; tryign to find a removal position out there. All will be well as long as my dearest is near by, hopefully?!

I wish I lived out your way so I could enjoy wonderous sights like London, Germany, and Stormy. Gee, it almost sounds like a european tour!
I hope you can find a good job in Seattle for the summer. Hey, last time I looked the human death rate was still hovering around 100%, so you should be in demand, right?