I just returned to Portland after going to Seattle and flying to Las Vegas with my boyfriend for the Association of Professional Piercers Convention. Aaahhh, the lovely smoke saturated Riviera. This year, since I no longer work at the shop (as a countergirl), I volunteered my time to help get piercers registered for classes and to check badges for the various seminars, classes, and the jewelry exposition. I had an absolute blast seeing everybody from last year and meeting new people.
I purchased several new plugs and some lovely "earings." The earings are the first earings that I have been able to wear since I have had my lobes at 5/8". I feel very girly when I wear them even though my lobes hang down really far adn jiggle around. They dangle down and slide against my neck...cold stainless steel grazing flesh, oh, I love it.
By the second to the last day of the convention the recirculated air and smoke began to irritate my entire respiratory system. Once at the airport to leave Las Vegas I was ready to pass out. My nostrils and lungs had a mucus fest and they are just now breaking up the party. To make matters worse our flight out of Las Vegas was delayed by almost four hours due to maintenance of the aircraft. I will never willingly choose to fly America West Airlines again (and niether should you). I don't even want to get into the tedious details of our delay because any readers of my journal entry will get annoyed with my ranting.
Now I am back in Portland, and am preparing to finish up my first year of Mortuary College. Even though the end of this year is near and Seattle is back in sight, I am having boyfriend withdrawls. I try to be strong...I didn't cry when I left Seattle this time. Most times I do. Even if we only spend a couple of days together (or in Vegas' case nine whole days!) I get accustomed to falling asleep and waking up with him. The first few nights of being back in Portland seem kinda cold and, ya, I'll admit it, lonely. The mornings are too still...I can't hear him breathing next to me or moving about preparing for work while I slip in and out of sleep. Oh, Holy Mother of Mary, I just started crying. Most people don't think that I have the ability to feel emotion, as I am known as the Ice Queen at times. I'LL BLAME THIS MISHAP OF TEARS ON PRE-MENSTRATION SYNDROME.
I made the choice to pursue my education, and I hope that I don't end up in the tell tale situation that many women end up in when they pursue their education in the midst of a relationship; Loose their love, but gain a great career and a plethera of pussy cats, fringe benefits, and dildos. I'm selfish I suppose....I want it all (minus the plethera of pussy cats)!
I just returned to Portland after going to Seattle and flying to Las Vegas with my boyfriend for the Association of Professional Piercers Convention. Aaahhh, the lovely smoke saturated Riviera. This year, since I no longer work at the shop (as a countergirl), I volunteered my time to help get piercers registered for classes and to check badges for the various seminars, classes, and the jewelry exposition. I had an absolute blast seeing everybody from last year and meeting new people.
I purchased several new plugs and some lovely "earings." The earings are the first earings that I have been able to wear since I have had my lobes at 5/8". I feel very girly when I wear them even though my lobes hang down really far adn jiggle around. They dangle down and slide against my neck...cold stainless steel grazing flesh, oh, I love it.
By the second to the last day of the convention the recirculated air and smoke began to irritate my entire respiratory system. Once at the airport to leave Las Vegas I was ready to pass out. My nostrils and lungs had a mucus fest and they are just now breaking up the party. To make matters worse our flight out of Las Vegas was delayed by almost four hours due to maintenance of the aircraft. I will never willingly choose to fly America West Airlines again (and niether should you). I don't even want to get into the tedious details of our delay because any readers of my journal entry will get annoyed with my ranting.
Now I am back in Portland, and am preparing to finish up my first year of Mortuary College. Even though the end of this year is near and Seattle is back in sight, I am having boyfriend withdrawls. I try to be strong...I didn't cry when I left Seattle this time. Most times I do. Even if we only spend a couple of days together (or in Vegas' case nine whole days!) I get accustomed to falling asleep and waking up with him. The first few nights of being back in Portland seem kinda cold and, ya, I'll admit it, lonely. The mornings are too still...I can't hear him breathing next to me or moving about preparing for work while I slip in and out of sleep. Oh, Holy Mother of Mary, I just started crying. Most people don't think that I have the ability to feel emotion, as I am known as the Ice Queen at times. I'LL BLAME THIS MISHAP OF TEARS ON PRE-MENSTRATION SYNDROME.
I made the choice to pursue my education, and I hope that I don't end up in the tell tale situation that many women end up in when they pursue their education in the midst of a relationship; Loose their love, but gain a great career and a plethera of pussy cats, fringe benefits, and dildos. I'm selfish I suppose....I want it all (minus the plethera of pussy cats)!

sometimes you have to be.