I had a somewhat relaxing break between quarters. Flew down to Southern CA for a few days to see family. My aunt, a nun, yes...a real Roman Catholic nun, not just some lady who desses in a habit purchased from a sex shop, grilled me with the dreaded hundered and one questions. An all inclusive interigation ensued regarding the obvious questions that a nun would ask a young woman who had lived with her boyfriend (FORNICATION flashing in her head like the sinfully scarlet neon lights of the Red Light District). After entering the living room one morning with my hair down, my aunt asked, "you wear your hair up when you go to class and to work, right?" I forgot just how truely "old school" she is. Needless to say, my hair was pulled tightly into a bun within a few minutes. They all got at me, but that's what old people do, especially old Yugoslavian Roman Catholic ones.
This Spring quarter is going to kick my ass; Way too many credits, new job (still removal stuff), and really tough classes. Amongst other classes I have to take a general, organic, and biological chemistry course that includes lecture, lab, and recitation. If I want to keep my grades up this quarter I will have to put my nose to the grindstone so hard it results in massive hemorrhage and facial disfigurement. Nipples to the fuckin' gravel if anything!
Aside from CA while on break I spent my time in Seattle. I felt terrible by the time my plane landed. The morning of the day of my flight home, still while in CA, my grandfather awoke me at 5:50AM for Palm Sunday Mass. Too make me feel even worse my oh, so, sweet boyfrined waited for me at the airport in Seattle for an hour, as my flight was delayed by about an hour and a half (putting me into Seattle at almost 2AM). He sat there twidling his tattooed fingures (I'd say thumbs, but they're not tattooed) with a 12 hour work day behind him and a 12 hour work day approaching him. Later that morning I sat for a little over four hours having my sleeve worked on. We had to do the yucky, not so painfully good parts of my arm. I was zombified for three solid days; My left arm jiggly with edema, eyes shaded gray with sleep deprivation. On the upside though, I get to head back home in April to finally finish my sleeve.
The day that I left Seattle to drive back to Portland, I had my boyfriend add four shinny adornments to my "nether region." Some refer to the nether region of the female species as a cunt. Some say cooch, some say clam; None of those references to the female genitalia bother me. Alas, it is "pussy" that gets me everytime because it sounds dirty, and the spelling remindes me of the word pus.
Some say "pissed", some say angry. Some say cunt, some say "pussy." Tomato tomoto.
Either way my, whatever you want to call the damn thing, has four new labia majora piercings. My drive back to Portland was spent with a bag of ice lodged between my thighs, several Aleve making their way through my circulatory system, and a fresh pack of quickily burning cigarettes. Now everything, you know, down there... is bruised. Normally, I enjoy a little color between the legs, whether it be blue or red because that usually indicates a good-n-rough romp in the soiled sheets. However, after a good night of lovin' or just plain fun, us ladies don't usually have to soak our meat-curtians in an oversized Christmas mug filled with sea salt and water, with a snowman on it.
As of yesterday the swelling has gone down rather significantly, but I think I have a little bit of an idea of what it is like to have balls. I'm glad I'm a chick, I'd hate to have two swollen sacks of flesh flopping between my thighs on a daily basis. I guess they get used to it though. If I came out as a guy I'd opt for castration.
My journal entries may be sparce for the next few weeks, as I am just getting back into the swing of things school wise. Thank you all for the lovely b-day wishes! WOULD SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME WHAT PINK IS as it pertains to SG?
I had a somewhat relaxing break between quarters. Flew down to Southern CA for a few days to see family. My aunt, a nun, yes...a real Roman Catholic nun, not just some lady who desses in a habit purchased from a sex shop, grilled me with the dreaded hundered and one questions. An all inclusive interigation ensued regarding the obvious questions that a nun would ask a young woman who had lived with her boyfriend (FORNICATION flashing in her head like the sinfully scarlet neon lights of the Red Light District). After entering the living room one morning with my hair down, my aunt asked, "you wear your hair up when you go to class and to work, right?" I forgot just how truely "old school" she is. Needless to say, my hair was pulled tightly into a bun within a few minutes. They all got at me, but that's what old people do, especially old Yugoslavian Roman Catholic ones.
This Spring quarter is going to kick my ass; Way too many credits, new job (still removal stuff), and really tough classes. Amongst other classes I have to take a general, organic, and biological chemistry course that includes lecture, lab, and recitation. If I want to keep my grades up this quarter I will have to put my nose to the grindstone so hard it results in massive hemorrhage and facial disfigurement. Nipples to the fuckin' gravel if anything!
Aside from CA while on break I spent my time in Seattle. I felt terrible by the time my plane landed. The morning of the day of my flight home, still while in CA, my grandfather awoke me at 5:50AM for Palm Sunday Mass. Too make me feel even worse my oh, so, sweet boyfrined waited for me at the airport in Seattle for an hour, as my flight was delayed by about an hour and a half (putting me into Seattle at almost 2AM). He sat there twidling his tattooed fingures (I'd say thumbs, but they're not tattooed) with a 12 hour work day behind him and a 12 hour work day approaching him. Later that morning I sat for a little over four hours having my sleeve worked on. We had to do the yucky, not so painfully good parts of my arm. I was zombified for three solid days; My left arm jiggly with edema, eyes shaded gray with sleep deprivation. On the upside though, I get to head back home in April to finally finish my sleeve.
The day that I left Seattle to drive back to Portland, I had my boyfriend add four shinny adornments to my "nether region." Some refer to the nether region of the female species as a cunt. Some say cooch, some say clam; None of those references to the female genitalia bother me. Alas, it is "pussy" that gets me everytime because it sounds dirty, and the spelling remindes me of the word pus.
Some say "pissed", some say angry. Some say cunt, some say "pussy." Tomato tomoto.
Either way my, whatever you want to call the damn thing, has four new labia majora piercings. My drive back to Portland was spent with a bag of ice lodged between my thighs, several Aleve making their way through my circulatory system, and a fresh pack of quickily burning cigarettes. Now everything, you know, down there... is bruised. Normally, I enjoy a little color between the legs, whether it be blue or red because that usually indicates a good-n-rough romp in the soiled sheets. However, after a good night of lovin' or just plain fun, us ladies don't usually have to soak our meat-curtians in an oversized Christmas mug filled with sea salt and water, with a snowman on it.
As of yesterday the swelling has gone down rather significantly, but I think I have a little bit of an idea of what it is like to have balls. I'm glad I'm a chick, I'd hate to have two swollen sacks of flesh flopping between my thighs on a daily basis. I guess they get used to it though. If I came out as a guy I'd opt for castration.
My journal entries may be sparce for the next few weeks, as I am just getting back into the swing of things school wise. Thank you all for the lovely b-day wishes! WOULD SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME WHAT PINK IS as it pertains to SG?

[Edited on Apr 02, 2005 1:08PM]