WOOOO I got the co-op job! No more job hunting for this kitty. Plus it looks neat - web development stuff. Not that I have much experience in that, and I don't know anything about the languages they want.. (SQL, Cold Fusion...) Yet, they think I'm perfect for the position, so I guess I impressed (fooled) them into thinking I'm some kind of super learning machine.
This will be the week of hell. Skool will me the death of me. But I'm too sleepy to do anything now. So I'm on here.
Maybe herein lies the problem?
Have a fantabulous night, all you out there in SG land.
P.s.: All stirfrys need bok choy. MmMmm!
This will be the week of hell. Skool will me the death of me. But I'm too sleepy to do anything now. So I'm on here.
Maybe herein lies the problem?
Have a fantabulous night, all you out there in SG land.
P.s.: All stirfrys need bok choy. MmMmm!
I thought cold fusion didn't exist. Oh, it's software. Right. I'm sorry, I'm zoning out post-midnight. I would come up with some good software jokes if I was less in need of sleep.