lonely, lonely that is me.
goodbye to a very special chapter in my life, the kirsten chapter. we have officially decided to go our seperate ways, and i know this is for the best. mind you, this is my first real break up (longest relationship yet, nearly a year!) and i am truly going to miss her, so fucking much. i thought it would be much easier because of how chaotic our relationship was towards the end, but apparently once you hit that pillow at night, all the lovely happy memories come flooding back, and with that so do the tears! hahaha what a dork i am
but this is life, everyone goes through it. and just like everyone gets through it, so will i.
deep breaths and new beginnings.
so, i got a new bike! finally. (and apparently i don't know how to properly post it to my blog, so, you will all have to wait till another day to see it.)
i am not used to city riding, actually i find it very intimidating. so yesterday after i picked up the bike i was one of those annoying riders on the sidewalk, oops.
alright, step one-get out of bed and get your mind on other things. ie. bike reflector and bell, annnnnd cookie dough ice cream.

goodbye to a very special chapter in my life, the kirsten chapter. we have officially decided to go our seperate ways, and i know this is for the best. mind you, this is my first real break up (longest relationship yet, nearly a year!) and i am truly going to miss her, so fucking much. i thought it would be much easier because of how chaotic our relationship was towards the end, but apparently once you hit that pillow at night, all the lovely happy memories come flooding back, and with that so do the tears! hahaha what a dork i am
but this is life, everyone goes through it. and just like everyone gets through it, so will i.
deep breaths and new beginnings.
so, i got a new bike! finally. (and apparently i don't know how to properly post it to my blog, so, you will all have to wait till another day to see it.)
i am not used to city riding, actually i find it very intimidating. so yesterday after i picked up the bike i was one of those annoying riders on the sidewalk, oops.

alright, step one-get out of bed and get your mind on other things. ie. bike reflector and bell, annnnnd cookie dough ice cream.

oh my lovely lady<3<3 i know you will get past the loneliness.
Don`t worry too much about city riding. You`ll get used to it before long. I`ve been biking in Toronto for three or four years without any problems - other than getting my bike stolen anyway. Just make sure you get a decent lock and maybe a helmet too.