i don't like people. people never did anything to me, i just have a significant amount of animosity built up toward them. i'm not sure why.
also, for some reason, the less-than-perceptive side of some of them has begun to irk me. for instance:
"you okay?"
"you sure?"
"okey-dokey. i'm just gona turn on all the lights in the house and use all your stuff and drink your alcohol and borrow your car and stay up late even though you have to work in the morning because you're the only one here who has a job. 'kay? 'kay. bye."
alright, so the conversation didn't go exactly like that, and i'm being grossly unfair. i'll apologize in advance..i'm just being bitchy and no one really deserves to be put in that light.
but i still don't like people. just plain don't like 'em.
also, for some reason, the less-than-perceptive side of some of them has begun to irk me. for instance:
"you okay?"
"you sure?"
"okey-dokey. i'm just gona turn on all the lights in the house and use all your stuff and drink your alcohol and borrow your car and stay up late even though you have to work in the morning because you're the only one here who has a job. 'kay? 'kay. bye."
alright, so the conversation didn't go exactly like that, and i'm being grossly unfair. i'll apologize in advance..i'm just being bitchy and no one really deserves to be put in that light.
but i still don't like people. just plain don't like 'em.
Just in case it hasn't been said enough already, thank you for losing sleep for me.
hahaha ,this same thing happened to me just the other day ,,when i was in London a few days ago ,,i got a old schoolmate free tix ,and backstage to the show ,i was just being nice ,,but i was in a crabby mood ,and didnt want to talk tio anyone ,then because he thinks we are mates ,,,,,thinks ,,he will join us at the hotel and tell boring stories when all i want to do is sleep . so i just went up to my room and crashed hahaha he was all upset because none of the other crew members for Rod wanted anything to do with him ,,and had security escort him out hahaha .
and how was your day