I've been having some really weird lucid dreams lately, and I usually dont....does anyone else have this problem? Is it caused by something? I've been waking up dripping sweat even if it's not a bad one....I can't tell if I'm sweating because of the dreams or the other way around.....tell me some of your dream experiences, and or knowledge of dreams everyone!
There could be a lot of reasons, but I think stress shapes our dreams more directly though again an assumption. But, a fact is that dreams are pretty much synapses firing off in our dream throwing random crap together. To intern make sense of all the randomness, and sometimes the intensity can vary. We all react differently to everything. By the way nice to hear you have a working ac š. Oh forgot the only times I've sweated during sleep was when I was extremely ill so maybe it is a misery kinda thing I guess? Urgh apologies with my comment my add is all over the place š
That could be the reason as well restless sleep does do that but it's never happened to me before but that could be a cause. Well sometimes the reason we dream is because the brain is trying to organize things kinda like a restart button and to dream is like a view into something deep inside your mind that you have locked away for quite sometime but portrayed as something different like a sign. Well perhaps the weed will help cause of your anxiety, over worrying or being over nervous can be the effect of massive crazy drama as well. Deja vus however are the worst though I don't usually remember them but I know I've dreamt of them and the senario usually happens after a major event good or bad but hey at least let me remember them dejavu dreams a heads up will be nice hahaha