It seems that this place gets really quiet in the summertime huh? *sound of crickets chirping*
I'm sorry I haven't been a good SG friend lately, I just haven't been in the mood to update. A lot has happened since my last real blog entry...Last month we took a family trip to Disney World and Sea World in Orlando, FL. We were there for a week and had a blast! My son had the time of his life! We figured to splerge and go to FL, since this would be our last chance to go before the hubby leaves to Iraq, and since it was only a 7hr drive from SC.
Only 2 weeks after returning from our Disney adventure, we found out that we are going to be moving to Colorado. That means in less than 2 months we are going to be out of SC. I am so happy to be leaving! We have been wanting to get staioned in Colorado for the longest time! This move will be the last with the Army, since we are planning on staying in Colorado until the hubby retires. So, right now we are in the process of finding a home in the Colorado Springs area. We already have a realtor and have been looking a houses online. I'm hoping that the hubby will be allowed to go house hunting before we actually get there, so we can have a house just waiting for us to move into. If not we will have to wait until we physically get there to find a home and go through the whole closing process that can take up to 30 days or more.
The whole process of relocating is stressful, yet exciting. I'm just happy to finally be leaving SC. I never did like it here that much.
If Minxtamer and Arcticminx are reading this, then you need to see about getting a job in Colorado, not Georgia!
If anyone out there reading this is in the Colorado Springs area, message me or send me a friend request
I'm sorry I haven't been a good SG friend lately, I just haven't been in the mood to update. A lot has happened since my last real blog entry...Last month we took a family trip to Disney World and Sea World in Orlando, FL. We were there for a week and had a blast! My son had the time of his life! We figured to splerge and go to FL, since this would be our last chance to go before the hubby leaves to Iraq, and since it was only a 7hr drive from SC.
Only 2 weeks after returning from our Disney adventure, we found out that we are going to be moving to Colorado. That means in less than 2 months we are going to be out of SC. I am so happy to be leaving! We have been wanting to get staioned in Colorado for the longest time! This move will be the last with the Army, since we are planning on staying in Colorado until the hubby retires. So, right now we are in the process of finding a home in the Colorado Springs area. We already have a realtor and have been looking a houses online. I'm hoping that the hubby will be allowed to go house hunting before we actually get there, so we can have a house just waiting for us to move into. If not we will have to wait until we physically get there to find a home and go through the whole closing process that can take up to 30 days or more.
The whole process of relocating is stressful, yet exciting. I'm just happy to finally be leaving SC. I never did like it here that much.
If Minxtamer and Arcticminx are reading this, then you need to see about getting a job in Colorado, not Georgia!

If anyone out there reading this is in the Colorado Springs area, message me or send me a friend request

As for the summertime dying down thing, I thought it had something to do with this new set up here. I don't know though because this is the first summer I've been on SG.
Good luck with the move and I'm glad you had a good vacation! ♥
YAH Colorado!!! I know you have been waititng for that! Good for you guys! I am so excited fro you. Minxtamer has been referred to the GA job and a job in Beaumont, Tx so far. I am not sure if he even put in for a job in Colorado, but I am sure once I tell him he will be looking!
kisses Minx