almost 2 years since my last post. i suck.
life has been a blur.
ive having a good weekend! i was expecting to be working but an online friend from wow came to town to visit! its so cool to be able to meet people that ive spent hours playing with online. i wasnt aware he was coming till only 2 days before he arrived, but it worked out ok since i work nights he isnt alone all day...
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today i decided to bake a little since i dont have to work till late tonight. it wasnt the greatest idea since it was nearing 30 degrees celsius outside but the increased temperature inside my little basement suite was worth it! bacon cupcakes are amazing! i made a coffee flavoured cake which had great texture and a subtle taste and topped it a cream cheese...
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screw the old entry its been 2 months now. i havent even been playing wow. im not sure what ive been up to. i dont really do anything!
i guess i do sleep a lot.
im getting a new tattoo next september. just a bit of a poem on my forearm (fuck whatever my boss thinks). anthem by leonard cohen. im stoked.
oh. and i...
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im seem to be maintaining a one entry a month habit. not very much but im kind of a recluse and this is alot for me. im having trouble sleeping as of late and my stomach has been bothering me again, much like it was last year before i was diagnosed with ulcers. im trying to keep a food diary but its about as successful...
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My man is back in town and i am one happy lady. oh yes. happy. wink
HAHA! Awesome. Glad you are happy! Wish i were as freakin happy right now. Oh well. You know what they say. "happiness comes from within" hahaha that is hilarious. Say what's up to my boy! he needs to freakin update his page. I need to send him a testimonial actually. Anyhow, take care and have a wicked up and coming weekend!

Sincerely, Ron.
I suppose I may have had you mixed up with someone else. Oh well, it was a completely fortuitous meeting by chance. Thanks for the words they mean much to me. Take care and well, go ahead and keep in touch you seem nice too. smile Take care gorgeous and have a sweet weekend!

Sincerely, Ron.
i need to turn a page. i feel like ive been stuck in one place for a while and although im young i feel as though i gotta get one the move while i can. move to where i dont know yet, but i think that will come to me when it should. it sounds kinda deep but im pretty sure its textbook stuff. everyone...
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try California.. you already have one friend wink
car was fixed and it was covered under warranty. yays! however work then went to shit and now im enjoying some jamesons and coke. yays!

there isnt much in life to complain about when you really think about it. whiskey fixes alot of things.
my little sis is coming to visit me tomorrow! i havent seen her in a while so it will be nice. she went and got herself knocked up a while ago, so we are going to go shopping. it should be fun!

things that have happened.
-went on my trip to BC, had fun, bought kick ass tool bunnyhug. (hoody for those not in sask.)...
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Working the graveyard shift seems to make my blogging skill suffer. almost 2 full months since my last post. I have been on the site plenty since then, but if i dont do anything but work and sleep there isnt exactly much to report.
I get to see my lover in 3 days. Its been nearly 3 months since ive seen him last. The anticipation...
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for an entire week all i did was sleep, now i cant seem to be able to sleep at all.
i tried to go out for cake yesterday but my efforts were kyboshed by a schmancy pantsed theatre opening. i had a mojito instead.
61 days till i see brad. thats way too long. im feeling lonely and i need some affection.
I'm headed to Prince George to see my lover in march. I haven't been this excited for something in a long time, Christmases don't compare. It feels like a long wait but 3 months isn't that long in the grand scheme of things.
I went to a beer night with my friends last night to fund raise money for a metal show that they want...
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