Just got back from Dallas and seeing NIN once again. FUCK! Trent never ceases to amaze. The tour was properly dubbed "Lights Over North America",and goddamn it was. I can remember seeing Head Like a Hole debut on 120 Minutes in '89 and this is one musician that has continued to evolve and out do himself. I felt bad for anyone on psychedelics cuz the lights and the choreography were just so over the top. Not to mention the brilliant music. My barometer for any band has always been seeing how they perform live and NIN is 4 sho at the top of my list. It also didn't hurt to have Tatian Suicide by my side as being there with her made the show all the more better. Always nice to be at a show with a person that appreciates the music every bit as much as you. Can't believe I waited almost a year to blog on SG. Guess this subject is as good as any to start

"I got it off a blowdryer"