I have been a fair bit quiet of late. Sorry to disappoint my 8 followers. Still I never really did the social media thing and was always bad at journals.
Financial pressure made me cave though. I have been trying to find a more comfortable well playing job. I have never been paid more $14/hour. I figure I got a college degree, I should be able to make more then that. Seems not because what few jobs I find offer more then 14/hour usually ask for a bunch of experience or something else. I apply anyways, but I have yet to hear back. So I caved in and in the process of working for a warehouse again. Plus side they are paying 16/hour so I sort achieved my goal. It is warehouse that stores medical equipment, so that is something.
That is all the boring stuff. My D&D campaign is going great! We are four sessions in. One my players has to leave the game, but it okay. He was only the healer. Though that means I got an opening for my game. My players were attacked by Centaurs for their first session. However they cleared up the misunderstanding with the centaurs and helping them recover an artifact stolen from the centaurs. However the attack has started a diplomatic incident between the Centaurs, the Kingdom of Benrick, and the Empire. The players got 26 days to find the artifact a deliver it to centaurs before war brakes out. In an effort to take a short cut, the players went through the Mists of Laos. A curse land full of undead which has ended badly for them. They were ambushed by zombie wolves, lost all their horse, a friend they brought with them die, and are currently hiding in root cellar trying figure out how to survive. The tension is great and I love it! I love the feel of muscles tensing and heart beating faster as you don't know what is going to happen next.
Here is looking forward to next Saturday! Also a player did really derpy art of the party, here it is...