My player characters so far of my D&D game
I got wolf man ranger who is chasing cheese obsessed nobles who killed his mate for the fur.
I got half-fey wild child sorcerer whose mother was a dryad hippie who let him get lost. Now he is con man, using cheap illusions to make a quick buck.
I got owl lady inquisitor who is determine to catch unregistered mages and give fines, she is not afraid to bend the rules to get those legal fees!
A religious fanatic human guy who insist in balance of everything and is little OCD.
Lastly a kobold fighter with really bad luck that has just lost too many family members.
I can't for first game session tomorrow. One of my players made a cool map of my world, here it is
It shows the basic features of the world and all the states of the Empire of Man. Though each state is almost completely independent with their own king/queen/leader, laws, culture, and language. I am so excited. Getting all this ready is reason I have be quiet the yesterday.