I filled out some application for work outside of home turf of Portland, Oregon. I am desperate for work, but it hurts the idea of leaving were I have grown up all my life for somewhere I don't know. I like the idea of travel, but I kinda always wanted Portland be my home. I love this stupid wet, dark, dank, filled with homeless and hipsters, and just all around weird town. Where else am I going to meet people who will give incredibly detailed description of my insides, who aren't doctors? Find lottery machines in almost every cheap establishment. Beaver imagery everywhere, and just a do it yourself attitude I love about this city. It might be shit hole, but its my shit hole. I know this shit hole like my own shit. I always know what is happening, the ins and outs. I am never surprised, and maybe that is bad thing.
Who knows were I will go? Probably California, but maybe further like Virginia or somewhere more interesting like Egypt.