Last session of D&D, the players are marching to the Kingdom of Fallmore, where it is autumn all year round. The magical artificat they are trying to track down, a talking helmet, is in a possession of a gnoll druid who has gone back home in Fallmore. They have not reached Fallmore, being too distracted by fighting local law enforcement, meet a bandit clan for...
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So my PC died, so I have not blogged in three weeks. I don't like type on the phone. Whenever I text I accidentally hit period instead of the space bar all the time. I find that very annoying. Been watching watch lots of youtube because I can't play my video games without my computer. Working with the Amazon warehouses again, sarcastic cheering noise. A...
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This last session of D&D introduced a new player, playing a Minotaur barbarian. So the party was attacked by giants and our new friend, Rassani, came in to help with the giants. A Knight of the Griffon Brotherhood, the personal bodygaurds of the Emperor, also came by the help the giants. After slaying the giants, Sir Gajoun Arju asked for assistance from the party to...
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Unfortunately our wolfin ranger, our pup, could not keep up with the schedule of the D&D group, so he left. So a moment of silence for Geirolf....
That is long enough. Met nice young lady to replace him. She is playing, Nimh the pun loving, story telling, mouse-folk bard. She is the shortest of the party, at 3 feet tall. She introduce herself in an...
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One of my players for D&D made this portrait of the party and I love it! What a normal looking group!
They have just escaped from their root cellar party, where they rudely did not invite all the zombies outside. So as they had to escape a massive horde of undead, spurned for not being invited to the party. It was tense ride with arrows
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Ugh, I been kinda feeling a little sad. Same old town, same old people, and same old games. I wish I can find something new to do, just nothing sounds good nearby. I go to my usual nerdy spots and they are sausages fests. I have grown really tired of men. They all got the same bullshit. And I never meet any ladies this way....
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I have been a fair bit quiet of late. Sorry to disappoint my 8 followers. Still I never really did the social media thing and was always bad at journals.
Financial pressure made me cave though. I have been trying to find a more comfortable well playing job. I have never been paid more $14/hour. I figure I got a college degree, I should be...
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So I went to Comic Con this weekend. I am terrible at remembering to take photos, it is not an instinct of mine to do. I do have pics of this droid workshop from Star Wars with utility droids like Pb-8 and R-2.
(Not my hellspawn in the pic)
Then Mandalorians invaded, some sort of costume club dedicated to making armor like the ones of
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I have had some stressful trouble with my car and looking for work. I just didn't feel like writing, but here I am! Back in action!
I am going to Rose City Comic Con tomorrow and so excited! David Tennant will be there and I am so excited, he is such sexy scotsmen. I will post and take pictures and share with you all. I...
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My player characters so far of my D&D game
I got wolf man ranger who is chasing cheese obsessed nobles who killed his mate for the fur.
I got half-fey wild child sorcerer whose mother was a dryad hippie who let him get lost. Now he is con man, using cheap illusions to make a quick buck.
I got owl lady inquisitor who is determine...
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