Sorry it's taking so long...after I got back from my trip, I've been so tired. Turns out I have severe hypertension to go with my diabetic body. Things are getting better though I think.
Day 2
We ascended cliffs with no cover. It was very hot. This inlet was roaring with large sea birds flying all around. Sea lions would climb up the cliff rocks from the ocean. One was sleeping and I got a close up.
Sea lion don't care. Sea lion don't give a shit.
Cute sea lion cubs are endless fun. The animals there really have no fear of man, not even the babies.
Leaving the island, we saw these two youngsters embrace.
Day far the best day. I only have one decent pic...we visited a farm where WILD giant tortoises roam.
I saw like 9 wild giants but when you get close, they shrink inside their shells so getting a pic means you had to somehow surprise it from the front...they are the size of small European cars. It's one thing to see a giant in the zoo or in a preserve...quite something else to see in the wild. You can just tell by the color that this guy is wild and he eats really well.
Afterward, we visited a big, collapsed lava tube.
Back at the villa when we got back, we got greeted by a pensive guy:
Day 4 is next, we visited an island and wet landed on a beach where the sea lions literally lay there. If you go swimming on that beach, you often have sea lions swim with you playfully.
More sea lion pup...this pic is so cute but as you can see this poor lil guy was starving...beautiful and sad at the same time.