But it was quite therapeutic. I'm a tiny bit bummed about the trip and visit that didn't occur with my pal Ren, and am even sadder that she's hurt and can't even text me. But it's actually someone else who has stuck the knife in and is twisting it in my heart. I hope I can resolve the situation...
But enough of that...
So we drove up Wednesday in the middle of the day and just tried to make it there. It was about a six hour drive plus a lot of stops.
On Thursday we went to the Aquarium.
Then on Friday we drove back early morning and tried to hit every place we could. So Thursday and Friday there were a lot of photo ops.
This is just a quick "best of" favorite shots. All are un-retouched. I think I'm getting a lot better as a photog. (I've discovered how to manually tag photos so they fit in the blog and can be expanded if you click on the hourglass in the lower left corner of each shot!)
At the first rest stop on the road, I encountered an enormous butterfly, the size of a maple leaf. And it was kind enough to rest for a while, spread it's wings, and let me take some shots.
Right when I get in, first exhibit was this spectacular red octopus, about three to four feet across, just sticking to the glass. This was extremely lucky as usually these guys hide in the day and do their nocturnal thing at night.
Two of my fave things...anemones because they photograph so well and live shellfish with spectacular shells.
Their aviary of rescued birds was terrific. You literally are one to two feet away from the birds. They show you almost no fear and there isn't even a net to separate you and the fowl. It warms the heart to see these injured birds living safely and happily.
Needs more eye of newt, IMO.
You otter take it easy! ...with the bad puns that is.
Are you jellyous yet? Jk...but seriously, they have an insane facility for not only showing off like 20 different jellies, but also to breed them!
I've always wanted to see a live cowrie up close. <3 I think 99.9% of the attendees that day missed this guy. I found him at the bottom of a touch tank in another touch tank.
Come at me bro!
Pens in town to play the Flyers
A lot of insane beach scenery driving down the 1 freeway PCH.
A lot more...
Squirrels came out to play.
Then the elephant seals.
And what's Cali without a wild flower? This was at Hearst Castle.
Thanks for looking!
And apologies for the orientation problems...SG interface issue, not mine.
- R