Welcome new friends and old...
I'm lucky to have a lot of both lately!

LA Music!
So recently I had some out of town visitors and I had this idea to make a collection of LA/California-based music for them. However, as I sat down to write who would make the CD, I realized it would be like 6 CDs:
Hair Metal - like Guns N Roses and Van Halen,
Thrash Metal - like Megadeth, Slayer and Metallica
80s music
Hardcore punk/ska - like Suicidal Tendencies
and G Funk rap - like Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg and Tupac.
Well I already had a collection like the last one, a CD I burned by downloading songs off of Limewire, so I decided to just start with that list of songs...looking around I found another dozen great songs so that was pretty exciting for me. I've gone about and bought all of the CDs that had the tracks I wanted along with the tracks I downloaded already.
The playlist so far looks like this:
Deep Cover - Deep Cover SDTK*
One Eight Seven - Dre Chronicles
Dre Day (And Everybody's Celebratin') - Dre Chronicles
Nuthin' But A "G" Thang - Dre Chronicles
Let Me Ride - Dre Chronicles
Gin & Juice - Snoop Doggy Dogg's Greatest Hits
Who Am I (What's My Name) - Snoop Doggy Dogg's Greatest Hits
Doggy Dogg World - Snoop Doggy Dogg's Greatest Hits
Murder Was The Case - Dre Chronicles
Ain't No Fun (If The Homies Can't Have None) - Snoop Doggy Dogg's Greatest Hits
Regulate - Hip Hop Box disc 3
California Love - 2Pac Greatest Hits*
Keep Their Heads Ringin - Friday SDTK*
Still D.R.E - Dr. Dre 2001
The Next Episode - Dr. Dre 2001
Forgot About Dre - Dr. Dre 2001
Lose Yourself - Eminem Lose Yourself single
* are the few outstanding CDs I need to find at Amoeba Records
So as you can see, it's a full disc. I had to cap it off at some point. If you're curious about what this music sounds like check out the spoilered list below:
There are a few other tracks I thought about, 50 Cent, Coolio, more Eminem and others...but this list is good. It'll be a great soundtrack for cruising LA.
38th B-day
Well this year I had to work and it was a very quiet day. Last year I heard from a lot of people and got multiple presents but this year just one...from _Eon. It's good to be remembered by at least one person. Like my blog, I only need one person to acknowledge the thing for me to be satisfied. She got me these two movies that I've been meaning to watch forever:
Thank you so much for remembering me! <3
So I did manage to go to the ArcLight Theater, had dinner, saw a great indie movie called Circumstance (HIGHLY recommend it to any SG-er) and did some crazy shopping at Amoeba Records in Hollywood. They not only have an insane selection, they also have rare and out of print items there too. I hooked myself up with this:
Sickass limited edition LP box set of all Metallica's old albums. SO GOOD. That pretty much made my b-day.
FYI, I don't feel old at all. In fact I'm in a limbo period where I'm too old to date most girls of the SG demographic here...BUT a lot of hot young girls out there who want to belong to an older man think I'm a tad too young as I'm still only thirty-something!
BTW, my friend Marian who knows me as well as anyone does here on SG has told me many times how I'm difficult to shop for...which is totally true. Or WAS true. I now have a Wishlist (LOL!) and if for some silly reason you (you girls, I don't accept presents from doods) feel like you want to buy me something, now it's easy. I just ask you keep it to less than 25 bucks (since that's the price of a meal...it's like buying me lunch but from far away). Also, if you have my address, I collect any new/er magazines prominently featuring Guns N Roses, the old line up from Appetite. And I collect CYOA books (read on for what this acronym means). Gifts are NOT required for my friendship even if I buy you gifts as it's my duty here in life to spread geekiness to you geek girls here on SG. In fact, I prefer handmade/homemade non-perishable gifts made just for me: handwritten letters and stories, handmade stuff, your own original art, huggles if you know me in person and even cute posed photo (non-nude plz) that only I get to see...that stuff makes me just as happy as stuff does. (I plan on extracting multiple huggles out of _Eon next time I see her as well!)
Vivid Loot!
Speaking of presents, I got some stuff in the mail from Vivid! <3
Some 8x10s, you see the front, what's written to me on the back you won't see.
Now that's just unfair how stunning she looks in both of those pics...sorry my shitty scanner doesn't do it justice...I spruced up the colors with PS but it's still a bit grainy.
She also sent me an art print! I may like this one the best.
And it came with a card...again the contents I'll keep for just me. But I love how she addresses me as "Ror" haha...I call her "Viv" so it all sort of fits.
Hopefully Photobucket doesn't delete the violin shot! (I know, I know, I am a lucky duck)
Mini Aquarium Trip 2011
I didn't get to go this b-day like I have the previous few, but instead my friend IRL invited me out to hang and I chose to go here. Was great. He used to be on SG but he's done with the site. Me, I'm getting more into the site, which I'll mention later.
Some pics:
That crane I missed last b-day, I caught him this time! He's wild, not part of the park.
The amateur picture tank full of colorful but common fish for newbies to look at.
Hard to believe this is a picture full of worms.
Incredibly cold, beautiful and all alone...totally unretouched....reminds me of someone I know and love (still).
Hey, I can see North and South Dakota from here!
Best puffin pic I have ever taken...totally unretouched.
This speaks for itself.
One eye blue, one eye gold.
After a while, she brought me her favorite toy and left it in front of me...she's the size of a large cat...I must look like a bear to her, lol.
See the rest here.
My first GIF evah.
Inspired by Vivid! This was my first one, it was pretty easy although it took a long time reducing the images down in size and quality. I want to make a gif of her...maybe at the Halloween Club Suicide, I'll get the chance!
Also, I'll have some more GIFs from the Aquarium in my next blog.
Afterwards we hit this huge bookstore, which turned out to be a $1 used book store and along with some scoring some Chronic...les of Narnia books, I also got this:
I love these CYOA books and collect used ones too...I only have the one above so if you see one and want to send it to me as a present, that would rock the house.
SG Groups
So lately I've been acquiring groups. I have the Manga USA group of course, the SG Guitars group and then I recently got the Interracial Love group. And a few more are coming...we'll see. It's something to keep me busy and get myself back in to the Groups, which was the first and main reason why I am on SG at all...to talk to girls with similar interests. It's pretty weird, I probably read 10000 words on here before I look at 5 pics in a set (not counting sets of my friends that I'm supporting). To be honest, the photography and most photographers' approach to shooting "sets" on here frustrates me to no end when I look at the output.
I'll cover this more in the next topic.
Photography Stuff for SG
Club Suicide - Halloween
MORE Pics comin'
MORE Blog comin' here soon.
Running on Empty
So I mentioned in my last blog how I kinda feel like I'm not here or there, I'm just doing "stuff" and whatever. I recently even went out on a "date" with a girl whose profile I worshiped for nearly a year but was too nervous to message. We're friends now and all but I think the ceiling on any potential relationship is very low (I'm setting the max in this case). There are girls out there I like a lot (like the one whose pic is below in the magazine!) but I think I've already met my "one" and because that blew up so bad, I don't feel much interest anymore, even when I see amazing curves, big spectacular boobs, insanely hot outfits and incredibly suggestive behavior from the "babes" in my life. It's me. Not them. My brain registers the hotness, the hotness meter goes up, but all I see are hot friends. Oh well. I'm not dead yet. Things can still change and things can still happen.
Oh, I forgot this on the last blog but when I was in NYC, Patriciana signed a copy of her pic in Inked magazine.
She drew that stuff, not me. But...SO FUCKING CUTE
Right about here I was going to link her new set in MR again but in the meantime it's hit the front page! Congrats to Vivid of course! <3 <3 <3 You're everything a SG should be!
1) I've switched from Firefox to Chrome for the moment, checkin' it out. As a power user, I like more control.
2) I have tickets (I think) to Jimmy Kimmel Live on Monday on Halloween. Why? Because Megadeth is playing on the outdoor stage! Hopefully I get in, they always overbook this stuff and LA has a VERY strong fan base for the MD.
- R
The set is actually submitted now though and is queued for November 28th! :3 I would have sent you previews earlier, but I didn't actually see the photos until after she had already submitted it and it was randomly in my pictures one day.
I would have really liked to have seen them beforehand and had some say in what was going in or not, but its too late for that. Plus now that I've seen the whole thing done I'm not in the least disappointed about the result. I'm actually really super excited and am really looking forward to it coming out. [More so than Panda!!!]
Check your email! <3