Read 'em and weep!!
Row AA, first row, haha.
Anyways, SG's been really quiet for me lately...seems like all my "friendships" have either gone sour or my longer-time friends have moved off of SG on to other things like Facebook. Although I will be meeting up with a few of them in person in a couple of weeks on the East Coast. Whatevs...sometimes it's this sort of thing, a complete shedding of skin if you will, that allows for growth. Your entire protective covering will seem raw, delicate and not at all adequate in making you feel safe.
But, this is exactly the sort of thing that makes me come out. And I have one new friend who has come to the forefront to mean so much to me. My dear xiao mei.
(<3 from your da ge)
Sometimes you just have to make your own way. And sometimes you get rewarded for it.
Ok so for like a month+ I've been promising Big 4 pics...and at AX I lost my precious USB portable drive. I never take it out of the house and the one time I do...poof. At first I thought someone may have jacked it or I fell out of my bag when I was leaving, thus being lost forever. But my main AX roomie found it and is keeping it safe for me, yay! But it means yet another delay. I want to post pics so bad as there are some really good ones, some by me and some by my best pal Jeff who is an excellent photographer.
Plus AX kinda sucked for me. I wound up taking a bunch of pics at the luxurious suite I was staying in (long story how that happened) but had such a rough time at the show that I didn't feel the desire to pick up the camera again. I think Mayhem will be way better as, to be honest, I'll be hanging with closer and better friends. Should be fun!
- R

Row AA, first row, haha.
Anyways, SG's been really quiet for me lately...seems like all my "friendships" have either gone sour or my longer-time friends have moved off of SG on to other things like Facebook. Although I will be meeting up with a few of them in person in a couple of weeks on the East Coast. Whatevs...sometimes it's this sort of thing, a complete shedding of skin if you will, that allows for growth. Your entire protective covering will seem raw, delicate and not at all adequate in making you feel safe.
But, this is exactly the sort of thing that makes me come out. And I have one new friend who has come to the forefront to mean so much to me. My dear xiao mei.

Sometimes you just have to make your own way. And sometimes you get rewarded for it.
Ok so for like a month+ I've been promising Big 4 pics...and at AX I lost my precious USB portable drive. I never take it out of the house and the one time I do...poof. At first I thought someone may have jacked it or I fell out of my bag when I was leaving, thus being lost forever. But my main AX roomie found it and is keeping it safe for me, yay! But it means yet another delay. I want to post pics so bad as there are some really good ones, some by me and some by my best pal Jeff who is an excellent photographer.
Plus AX kinda sucked for me. I wound up taking a bunch of pics at the luxurious suite I was staying in (long story how that happened) but had such a rough time at the show that I didn't feel the desire to pick up the camera again. I think Mayhem will be way better as, to be honest, I'll be hanging with closer and better friends. Should be fun!
- R
I'm just laying low!
I think this core set is geared for the next expansion block. Lots of "Why are you in this set" cards so far.