Rorschachs Journal 07/12/2010
This weekend has been great. I cant wait for the next two weekends as well. Great friends and great times. This morning was a bit rough but Im okIll explain more of that later. This journal will be a long one so lets just jump right in, shall we?
Jury Service
Ive been talking about this for the last several journals. Its finally over. I really cherished the experience in the end although it was an up and down ride. I caused some serious drama, hahawhen the jury first went back to deliberate (talk out the case), they voted and 11 voted guilty while I voted not guilty. They then proceeded to spend the entire day trying to convince me that I was wrong. However, as I kept explaining my position over the next few days, I flipped a person, then two more and then everyone decided we should just quit and declare a hung jury. Everyone agreed that the prosecution did not prove their case and that was my foundation of declaring not guiltybut a lot of the other jurors, some were total morons, still voted guilty even though they all agreed the case wasnt proven, simply because they felt the defendant was guilty.
Afterwards, the first juror that flipped and I stayed afterwards to talk to the attorneys. The prosecutor rushed out of there and was gone. The really pretty defense attorney stayed to ask us questions and I got to chat with her for quite a while. Turns out a key witness, a hostile one that refused to answer all questions, denied knowing anyone in the case, and was generally disregarded thusly. It turned out not only did he know the defendant, he was a CELL MATE, haha. And it came out that there was a ton of gang-related evidence that the first judge allowed but the presiding judge disallowed at the last moment. I then found out that if the defendant had been convicted by us, not only would he had been a felon (obviously) but that he would have been deported because his mom brought him over illegally when he was three years old. I came to the US when I was three years old too Anyways, I really feel like I prevented an innocent person of being convicted when all he was trying to do was defend himself against a much larger man with a violent family.
Heck, I even got a job offer out of itone of the jurors is a recruiter for a private school and asked me to email him for a head of IT position. Im considering switching over to that job if it offers more stable hours and less middle of the night overtime, even if I make less money. I guess I sound smart, hehemust be the years of formal debate training I had in high school.
EXXXotica LA it was very expensive to go, $35 for one day, and the show was small and I was able to walk the entire show in less than twenty minutes. Overall I only stayed like three hours. AND I HAD A TOTAL BLAST!
The show was small but they did a good job flying out all sorts of stars down thereI got to see Jenna Haze, one of my top fave performers right nowher and Sasha Grey are my two fave starsalthough my personal favorite is Melissa Lauren.
First I went to go look for Adrenalynn, my main reason for going to the show. We had a lot of fun chatting as she was just awesome. She spent a lot of personal time with each fan and she had the longest line too as people kept getting in to her line. I brought her a gift, my own personal copy of Watchmen, as I thought it would be a cute idea to introduce myself as Rorschach using that as a device. Turns out shes never read the book so we had a hilarious conversation where she was being really polite and sweet about receiving a present while trying to ask me to explain what the book is for (the music was fucking loud in there, but it was some decent noize). You cant buy a memory like that. Plus Ive done my duty again, spreading Watchmen to one more person.
I got these goodies from her:
CD funny thing about this, I wanted to buy one of her personal DVDs with just her in it and Alynn tried to explain to me that its just for foot fetish stuff, don't get itIm like, hey, I could get off to your feet, I bet their hot! Very ironic. I tried to explain that as long as its all her in the DVD, it suits my purpose and that was that, she thought that was great.
Poster she gave me one of these; I had to have one as she mentioned it in her blog so muchit was great. Look at that shotI couldnt scan the whole poster but just part of her bodyshes just so hot even if you focus on one part or another, no matter what partit just isnt fair.
8x10 she also hooked me up with a free 8x10all of the other girls there, famous or no, were charging like 15 to 20 bucks a signature, with an item usually. So she hooked me up, it was like a neat little gift exchange. Seriously though, I think I got the better end of it. And just check out how much effort she puts in to each autograph too...
Second, I met this bondage/pvc lady named RubberDoll who runs her own website. She looked really good but our personalities bounced off right away. I tried to explain to her that because they used her pictures to do all of the billboards and web ads and that she looked SO freaking hot in them and that the pics looked really high quality, it made me want to come to the convention.
I think her Dom personality and mine clashed a tiny bit though but I still thought she was hot. I picked up a few DVDs from herthese are more about BDSM than they are about hardcore sex. They have some really interesting covers, dont you think?
She actually signed the DVD case and not the paper liner or the DVD itselfpricelessshes a dom but shes a porn con newbie.
Finally I made my way over to the Burning Angel booth. They had the nicest booth in the show by far as no other studios attended. I met Joanna Angel (owner and main star of BA) and had an awesome conversation. I had to explain a few times (again, loud music) that I was a SG-er, I have the hots for Mandy Morbid so I went out and bought Riot Grrls, which was put out by Burning Angel of course. I saw the trailers and then wanted to buy a whole bunch of discs, especially ones where she, Joanna, was getting pounded. I also explained that I had seen her in an old Red Light District DVD (she blushed when I said this, exclaiming that it was so long ago) and thus looked for her specifically on a pay-download site (which legally buys clips from Burning Angel). I saw her in the POV PUNX title, which is why I was buying that DVD that day Needless to say, sharp girl that she is, she figured out that Im a big fan of hers. She gave me a big hugI was a little thrown off guard and was strongly tempted to just throw her down behind her booth and just take her roughly on the spot, spectators be damned, hehe.
Couple of the DVDs I picked upJoanna signed hers on the actual DVD and the paper sleeve like a real pro.
Also, evidently she has her own personal site, and Im gonna check that out along with
Speaking of [member]Adria[/member], Adrenalynn mentioned to me that she heard a rumor that Mandy Morbid is now completely covered head to toe with tats? Does anyone know anything about this?
Evil Angel booth, they were just selling their DVDs and giving away some free stuff. The DVDs were $20 bucks a piece, which is not great for DVD price but is really excellent for Evil Angel DVDs. I wish they had morebut I was able to pick up a couple including Fashionistas: Safado, which stars almost all of my fave stars.
Later this weekend will be my first time in twenty years selling cards at my own booth at the local show, Frank And Sons Warehouse. Hope it works out as Ive already sunk in like $500 bucks so far for supplies and such.
And in one and a half weeks is ComicConI plan to be there on Wednesday and probably Thursday and Friday.
Geek Stuff
M11 Pre-release this last weekend was also the pre-release launch party for the new Magic core set, M11. It looks pretty interesting but Im pretty bummed out at a lot of the cards they took out of the set. Day Of Judgement is reprinted and Im sure quite a few of the artifacts are good. Also it looks like they are pushing mono-black, perhaps with artifacts.
Harvey Pekar passed away today. I learned that after I started writing this journal at lunchtime (now its dinner time). He is responsible for writing one of the very best comics of all time. In his honor, here is a list of the top ten works of all time in English-language comics, according to me, in no order:
Top 10 Comics (Western, English)
Watchmen Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons
The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller, Klaus Janson, Lynn Varley
Contract With God Trilogy Will Eisner
Understanding Comics Scott McCloud
The Sandman Neil Gaiman, various artists
Marvels Kurt Busiek, Alex Ross
Kingdom Come - Mark Waid, Alex Ross
Batman: The Killing Joke - Alan Moore, Brian Bolland
Maus Art Spiegelmann
American Splendour Harvey Pekar
I woke up this morning in tears...had a bad dream where I had been a bit down and jumpy, messaged my best friend that my birthday was a week away and wanted to just chat with her that day. Just getting to talk to her would have been the best present of all. But because she doesn't respond to messages much, days pass on pins and needles and the day after my bday, I die of depression or something... And then two days later, my friend winds up messaging me that she's sorry she missed it or something but I'm long gone. Wake up, with blurry vision and wet pillow...
Anyways, so recently I said goodbye to the person I've considered my best friend on SG. I don't really want to discuss why too much, but I do want to say that I treated this person as the most important person in the world to me and things just weren't progressing anywhere, friendship-wise. I was more unhappy than happy when we were friends and I often felt like I was just another person on her several-hundred person friends list. And recently, I've made friends with or gotten closer to so many amazing people, chatting with them on Skype, IM, SG messaging and on all know who you are! It was weird, meeting someone new and immediately having great friendship chemistry...and having it several times over. And it really put that fractured friendship in perspective. Still, I can't stop thinking about her and caring...but I had to get away to "get my mojo back" as no one likes being around someone crabby and depressed all of the time.
Oh well, she probably hates me now...
I feel like things are really blossoming for me at last...even my SG status is now "I love it!" haha. I don't think I've had that one since my first week on SG. So...there are some very new friends on my list and I hope things also blossom with you as they have with so many on my list. I've gone from one mercurial friendship to many, many bright ones. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Real Life Stuff
Speaking of new friends and blossoming friendships, I had the serious hots for this 18-year old asian girl I know here in real life named Karen. After a while, I decided we couldn't have romantic chemistry for a variety of reasons, but she is a real geek and an amazing, young talent. She is an incredible artist/illustrator of comic art. However she also has a tight knit circle of friends around her already and each time I tried to enter, I felt like I was "intruding. " Anyways, lately she's been inviting me over to hang out. She's only been in to comics in the last two years if you can believe that. And as an elder statesman (yet not an old fogey yet) in comics, I constantly feel like I should be doing more, trying harder to teach her stuff. Plus she's just adorable in general IRL.
But just this weekend she kinda pegged me that I was feeling uncomfortable in hanging around and told me that she really liked having me around and she loved talking about comics with me. So this was like the signal I needed for me to get over my own inherent shyness and now we chat all of the time. It's great.
Here's a sample of some art she's doing for her portfolio:
Sick huh, for an 18 (now 19) year old??
Also, I had a great conversation with my cute lil cousin as well. If anyone's read my past blogs, I've mentioned her before as although we're related, we've always had what she's described as "chemistry" (and she means romantic/sexual kind). I've never touched her though and we both decided that it would probably be bad if we explored things...she's married now to a much older guy. But she contacted me out of the blue on Sunday and we just chatted away. I told her that knowing she was out there, someone who always thought of me as that "special someone" had kept me alive several times when I wanted out of life and that I wanted her to know that she's also special to me since right now she's in a bad situation herself. Overall I had a very warm feeling after we chatted. That day was a great day...I also had a great chat with SG pal "Mari" and it was just so fun. She's just fucking great (you know it!). It felt like an extra lucky day that day and it was the day right after meeting Adrenalynn and Joanna Angel too.
Actually that Sunday started with brunch at Panda Inn here locally (a restaurant I once wanted to take the former best SG gal pal really badly, but I doubt she would have ever visited me in LA). My IRL best gal pal finally found herself a good guy but in Northern California. So she's moved there and I no longer have a hangout friend.
But I'm really happy for her as she was very unhappy with no boy... Silver lining though, the extra time and energy has allowed me to work on other friendships and things are great.
Something strange and wonderful has been going on in the last 18 months or so in top 40 radio... I've fallen in love with maybe 50 to 70+ songs in the pop/dance format where normally I might like 1 or 2 songs every couple of years. And strangely, if I look any further back than 18 months, it returns back to the couple songs a year ratio. This music is just so sweet and makes me feel so alive and's really pulled me through some of the rough spots in my life and friendships recently. Maybe that's why things are going well for me, it's because I've changed and the music is bringing that part out in me. I can't wait to make you that mix [member]Shyla[/member]!
I'll cover this topic a bit more next journal. This journal's gotten out of hand already.
Just a taste. This song is climbing the charts right now!
I have packages for all of you, for those of you online on SG only! I'll also cover that more in the next journal.
- R
PS - check out my new sig, pretty nifty, no?
This weekend has been great. I cant wait for the next two weekends as well. Great friends and great times. This morning was a bit rough but Im okIll explain more of that later. This journal will be a long one so lets just jump right in, shall we?
Jury Service
Ive been talking about this for the last several journals. Its finally over. I really cherished the experience in the end although it was an up and down ride. I caused some serious drama, hahawhen the jury first went back to deliberate (talk out the case), they voted and 11 voted guilty while I voted not guilty. They then proceeded to spend the entire day trying to convince me that I was wrong. However, as I kept explaining my position over the next few days, I flipped a person, then two more and then everyone decided we should just quit and declare a hung jury. Everyone agreed that the prosecution did not prove their case and that was my foundation of declaring not guiltybut a lot of the other jurors, some were total morons, still voted guilty even though they all agreed the case wasnt proven, simply because they felt the defendant was guilty.
Afterwards, the first juror that flipped and I stayed afterwards to talk to the attorneys. The prosecutor rushed out of there and was gone. The really pretty defense attorney stayed to ask us questions and I got to chat with her for quite a while. Turns out a key witness, a hostile one that refused to answer all questions, denied knowing anyone in the case, and was generally disregarded thusly. It turned out not only did he know the defendant, he was a CELL MATE, haha. And it came out that there was a ton of gang-related evidence that the first judge allowed but the presiding judge disallowed at the last moment. I then found out that if the defendant had been convicted by us, not only would he had been a felon (obviously) but that he would have been deported because his mom brought him over illegally when he was three years old. I came to the US when I was three years old too Anyways, I really feel like I prevented an innocent person of being convicted when all he was trying to do was defend himself against a much larger man with a violent family.
Heck, I even got a job offer out of itone of the jurors is a recruiter for a private school and asked me to email him for a head of IT position. Im considering switching over to that job if it offers more stable hours and less middle of the night overtime, even if I make less money. I guess I sound smart, hehemust be the years of formal debate training I had in high school.
EXXXotica LA it was very expensive to go, $35 for one day, and the show was small and I was able to walk the entire show in less than twenty minutes. Overall I only stayed like three hours. AND I HAD A TOTAL BLAST!
The show was small but they did a good job flying out all sorts of stars down thereI got to see Jenna Haze, one of my top fave performers right nowher and Sasha Grey are my two fave starsalthough my personal favorite is Melissa Lauren.
First I went to go look for Adrenalynn, my main reason for going to the show. We had a lot of fun chatting as she was just awesome. She spent a lot of personal time with each fan and she had the longest line too as people kept getting in to her line. I brought her a gift, my own personal copy of Watchmen, as I thought it would be a cute idea to introduce myself as Rorschach using that as a device. Turns out shes never read the book so we had a hilarious conversation where she was being really polite and sweet about receiving a present while trying to ask me to explain what the book is for (the music was fucking loud in there, but it was some decent noize). You cant buy a memory like that. Plus Ive done my duty again, spreading Watchmen to one more person.

I got these goodies from her:

CD funny thing about this, I wanted to buy one of her personal DVDs with just her in it and Alynn tried to explain to me that its just for foot fetish stuff, don't get itIm like, hey, I could get off to your feet, I bet their hot! Very ironic. I tried to explain that as long as its all her in the DVD, it suits my purpose and that was that, she thought that was great.

Poster she gave me one of these; I had to have one as she mentioned it in her blog so muchit was great. Look at that shotI couldnt scan the whole poster but just part of her bodyshes just so hot even if you focus on one part or another, no matter what partit just isnt fair.

8x10 she also hooked me up with a free 8x10all of the other girls there, famous or no, were charging like 15 to 20 bucks a signature, with an item usually. So she hooked me up, it was like a neat little gift exchange. Seriously though, I think I got the better end of it. And just check out how much effort she puts in to each autograph too...
Second, I met this bondage/pvc lady named RubberDoll who runs her own website. She looked really good but our personalities bounced off right away. I tried to explain to her that because they used her pictures to do all of the billboards and web ads and that she looked SO freaking hot in them and that the pics looked really high quality, it made me want to come to the convention.
I think her Dom personality and mine clashed a tiny bit though but I still thought she was hot. I picked up a few DVDs from herthese are more about BDSM than they are about hardcore sex. They have some really interesting covers, dont you think?

She actually signed the DVD case and not the paper liner or the DVD itselfpricelessshes a dom but shes a porn con newbie.

Finally I made my way over to the Burning Angel booth. They had the nicest booth in the show by far as no other studios attended. I met Joanna Angel (owner and main star of BA) and had an awesome conversation. I had to explain a few times (again, loud music) that I was a SG-er, I have the hots for Mandy Morbid so I went out and bought Riot Grrls, which was put out by Burning Angel of course. I saw the trailers and then wanted to buy a whole bunch of discs, especially ones where she, Joanna, was getting pounded. I also explained that I had seen her in an old Red Light District DVD (she blushed when I said this, exclaiming that it was so long ago) and thus looked for her specifically on a pay-download site (which legally buys clips from Burning Angel). I saw her in the POV PUNX title, which is why I was buying that DVD that day Needless to say, sharp girl that she is, she figured out that Im a big fan of hers. She gave me a big hugI was a little thrown off guard and was strongly tempted to just throw her down behind her booth and just take her roughly on the spot, spectators be damned, hehe.

Couple of the DVDs I picked upJoanna signed hers on the actual DVD and the paper sleeve like a real pro.

Speaking of [member]Adria[/member], Adrenalynn mentioned to me that she heard a rumor that Mandy Morbid is now completely covered head to toe with tats? Does anyone know anything about this?

Evil Angel booth, they were just selling their DVDs and giving away some free stuff. The DVDs were $20 bucks a piece, which is not great for DVD price but is really excellent for Evil Angel DVDs. I wish they had morebut I was able to pick up a couple including Fashionistas: Safado, which stars almost all of my fave stars.
Later this weekend will be my first time in twenty years selling cards at my own booth at the local show, Frank And Sons Warehouse. Hope it works out as Ive already sunk in like $500 bucks so far for supplies and such.
And in one and a half weeks is ComicConI plan to be there on Wednesday and probably Thursday and Friday.
Geek Stuff
M11 Pre-release this last weekend was also the pre-release launch party for the new Magic core set, M11. It looks pretty interesting but Im pretty bummed out at a lot of the cards they took out of the set. Day Of Judgement is reprinted and Im sure quite a few of the artifacts are good. Also it looks like they are pushing mono-black, perhaps with artifacts.
Harvey Pekar passed away today. I learned that after I started writing this journal at lunchtime (now its dinner time). He is responsible for writing one of the very best comics of all time. In his honor, here is a list of the top ten works of all time in English-language comics, according to me, in no order:
Top 10 Comics (Western, English)
Watchmen Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons
The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller, Klaus Janson, Lynn Varley
Contract With God Trilogy Will Eisner
Understanding Comics Scott McCloud
The Sandman Neil Gaiman, various artists
Marvels Kurt Busiek, Alex Ross
Kingdom Come - Mark Waid, Alex Ross
Batman: The Killing Joke - Alan Moore, Brian Bolland
Maus Art Spiegelmann
American Splendour Harvey Pekar
I woke up this morning in tears...had a bad dream where I had been a bit down and jumpy, messaged my best friend that my birthday was a week away and wanted to just chat with her that day. Just getting to talk to her would have been the best present of all. But because she doesn't respond to messages much, days pass on pins and needles and the day after my bday, I die of depression or something... And then two days later, my friend winds up messaging me that she's sorry she missed it or something but I'm long gone. Wake up, with blurry vision and wet pillow...
Anyways, so recently I said goodbye to the person I've considered my best friend on SG. I don't really want to discuss why too much, but I do want to say that I treated this person as the most important person in the world to me and things just weren't progressing anywhere, friendship-wise. I was more unhappy than happy when we were friends and I often felt like I was just another person on her several-hundred person friends list. And recently, I've made friends with or gotten closer to so many amazing people, chatting with them on Skype, IM, SG messaging and on all know who you are! It was weird, meeting someone new and immediately having great friendship chemistry...and having it several times over. And it really put that fractured friendship in perspective. Still, I can't stop thinking about her and caring...but I had to get away to "get my mojo back" as no one likes being around someone crabby and depressed all of the time.
Oh well, she probably hates me now...
I feel like things are really blossoming for me at last...even my SG status is now "I love it!" haha. I don't think I've had that one since my first week on SG. So...there are some very new friends on my list and I hope things also blossom with you as they have with so many on my list. I've gone from one mercurial friendship to many, many bright ones. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Real Life Stuff
Speaking of new friends and blossoming friendships, I had the serious hots for this 18-year old asian girl I know here in real life named Karen. After a while, I decided we couldn't have romantic chemistry for a variety of reasons, but she is a real geek and an amazing, young talent. She is an incredible artist/illustrator of comic art. However she also has a tight knit circle of friends around her already and each time I tried to enter, I felt like I was "intruding. " Anyways, lately she's been inviting me over to hang out. She's only been in to comics in the last two years if you can believe that. And as an elder statesman (yet not an old fogey yet) in comics, I constantly feel like I should be doing more, trying harder to teach her stuff. Plus she's just adorable in general IRL.
But just this weekend she kinda pegged me that I was feeling uncomfortable in hanging around and told me that she really liked having me around and she loved talking about comics with me. So this was like the signal I needed for me to get over my own inherent shyness and now we chat all of the time. It's great.

Here's a sample of some art she's doing for her portfolio:
Sick huh, for an 18 (now 19) year old??
Also, I had a great conversation with my cute lil cousin as well. If anyone's read my past blogs, I've mentioned her before as although we're related, we've always had what she's described as "chemistry" (and she means romantic/sexual kind). I've never touched her though and we both decided that it would probably be bad if we explored things...she's married now to a much older guy. But she contacted me out of the blue on Sunday and we just chatted away. I told her that knowing she was out there, someone who always thought of me as that "special someone" had kept me alive several times when I wanted out of life and that I wanted her to know that she's also special to me since right now she's in a bad situation herself. Overall I had a very warm feeling after we chatted. That day was a great day...I also had a great chat with SG pal "Mari" and it was just so fun. She's just fucking great (you know it!). It felt like an extra lucky day that day and it was the day right after meeting Adrenalynn and Joanna Angel too.
Actually that Sunday started with brunch at Panda Inn here locally (a restaurant I once wanted to take the former best SG gal pal really badly, but I doubt she would have ever visited me in LA). My IRL best gal pal finally found herself a good guy but in Northern California. So she's moved there and I no longer have a hangout friend.

Something strange and wonderful has been going on in the last 18 months or so in top 40 radio... I've fallen in love with maybe 50 to 70+ songs in the pop/dance format where normally I might like 1 or 2 songs every couple of years. And strangely, if I look any further back than 18 months, it returns back to the couple songs a year ratio. This music is just so sweet and makes me feel so alive and's really pulled me through some of the rough spots in my life and friendships recently. Maybe that's why things are going well for me, it's because I've changed and the music is bringing that part out in me. I can't wait to make you that mix [member]Shyla[/member]!
I'll cover this topic a bit more next journal. This journal's gotten out of hand already.
Just a taste. This song is climbing the charts right now!
I have packages for all of you, for those of you online on SG only! I'll also cover that more in the next journal.
- R
PS - check out my new sig, pretty nifty, no?

it came! lol. im trying to figure out how to deconstruct the pocky shirt into a dress. hehe! thanks for the alt cover bumblebee comic! i actually have the series but not all the different covers. lol. <3
lol. it shows less than most cosplay outfits i see at cons. so i might just have to. however it clashes with my purple ears and tail. lol.