Ok, proper journal timethanks to everyone who decided even my placeholder journal-ettes were worth responding to.
Day 4 of Jury Service
As I mentioned before, I got the Jury Duty letter, showed up as I was supposed to and got selected to serve on a real Jury. Cant really talk about the case but I forgot to mention that the real reason why Im having such a great experience is because the judge in this case is just been amazing. He takes so much time to articulate everything to each juror, hes meticulous and yet he has a bright and cheerful personality to boot. Sharp as a tack as well.
Normally when I see someone do a difficult job, not counting something that requires some sort of physical talent, I usually feel like if I was doing that job and spent all my time doing it, I would probably be able to do better than that person. This happens a lot in the US and especially with government non-firearm carrying civil servants. It leaves me with a hollow feeling about our society in general. But not in this case. Im very, very pleased that just maybe some of my tax dollars go to his honors court.
For those who have been away here and there from SG and couldnt read my in-between blogs, heres an excerpt of what I already mentionedif youve already read it, skip the section between the asterisks.
I just got back from the third day of jury service, meaning I'm actually sitting in on a trial. At first I reacted like anyone would, wishing I could get out of it but now I'm very pleased to have the privilege. I wasn't born in this country and I can't think of many in the world at any time that would let a regular person like myself be judged by peers and let me also be judged similarly. It's wonderful.
I've been doing a lot of walking as the courthouse is three blocks away on a hill and also the elevators are very busy. Sometimes I turbo climb/descend 13 flights of stairs because it's faster than taking the elevator.
Funny thing is, I thought for sure the defense attorney would dismiss me due to my law enforcement-ish background. Anyways, I can't discuss the case but I'm having a good experience so far. Speaking of the defense lawyer, she's kinda tall, skinning and blond, and very, very hot for her age. She's also super-meticulous as an attorney in her defense while wearing an incredibly hot outfit in court (she even takes her three inch stilettos off and wears these soft wool boots when court is not in session, meaning she wears these shoes while in session). I couldn't help but think of a certain someone named Amanda while admiring the attorney...lots of similarities minus the heels. smile
Anyways so right now Im sitting in the juror meeting room for all jurors and just relaxing a bit. We got an early lunch because proceedings couldnt start due to one lazy juror not showing up yet. That means for sure there will be a day 5.
I want to think about this case hard as it seems nearly all of the witnesses are liars and are completely sided with either the defense or prosecution. Two of the witnesses, one a cop and one a convict, were either completely incompetent or uncooperative and helped neither side. But instead I find myself thinking about a certain special and beautiful someone that I care about deeply but, well, for privacys sake Im just going to say that things werent working out here on SG and after deep thought, Ive analyzed that things cant work.
Typically when something important (and even stuff that is not that important) if things arent working, I either try harder or keep it up and consider changing my approach. When its a matter of the heart, it can be very difficult. But at this point, Im no longer able to carry on aswellI no longer have the ability to motivate myself.
Back to the case at hand (yay I got to say it!), well probably receive closing arguments this afternoon.
Speaking of being distracted in court by females, what is it about court that causes all of the attractive and semi-attractive women to dress so, so office-chic? Ive seen so many girls in tight outfits and 3+inch high heels and as I write this sitting in the hallway, (I just moved to get to the same floor the courtroom is on, lunch is almost over now) there goes are pretty, blond defense attorney in her usual glossy black spike heels and tight office dress, skirt that ends right below the knees with frills. What can I say, I can't resist a hot girl with a brain AND a hardcore attitude.
I almost quit SG a couple of weeks back and several of you, my friends, knew that already. Things have turned around quite a bit and so many of you friends have to do with it.
Im actually excited to jump on SG again. And thus Im pumping out journals, postings and even some group comments. Right now things are busy as summer is the convention season in LA/So Cal. When its over, I will be hitting my fave girls wishlists (although several of you I already have loot caches for ya, for my GGSes) and also be making some cool write-ups for my manga group. (SHAME ON MICROSOFT, as I'm writing this blog in Word, the word manga has the red squiggly underneath it!)
I think Ive finished editing my friends list and its not only a list I can feel good about, its also a list of people who make me feel good to be on here. Thanks, you gals and guys, youre great! Youve made the Top 8 feature totally useless for me since I have way more than just 8 pals important to me. Im pretty lucky to know all of you.
I might even try to acquire another group to own.
Ultima Online
Well, due to it being the convention season, I havent been on UO that much lately. But the server Im on is great, the people are only a few and we each treat one another like precious commodities since we all wish there were even more people. The server owner recently got his mojo backhe told me he got a gf IRL so he was pumped. I wanted to hug him when he showed up in his white robe in game on my boat, haha. SHIT I shoulda grabbed a screenie of him. I will next time.
But below is a series of screenshots I got. Finally landed my castle!

And immediately, orcish ganksters camped right next to my wall, sheesh! I just quit WoW and da Horde is already hasslin a brotha.

Me and my pack llama.

Cool looking light tower I've never seen before...
Anyways, Im still having a blast of it.
If anyone would like to try the game, let me know...it's totally free and IMO it's the most important and influential game of the last 20 years and the best MMORPG of all time, still. The first and the best. WoW is just a game. UO is a lifestyle.
So last weekend was Anime Expo, I was able to make it day. Seems like day is a bit too much! I brought half a grand to spend and couldnt even spend a hundred. So bad. Next time Im either bringing a girlfriend or a gal-pal (les do eet Marian!), preferably some geeky cutie from SG and well just bring cameras. Usually AX is a great place for seeing awesome cosplay costumes. No pics this time though. My camera sucks, it dies after taking just a few pics and Im nervous about carrying it around anyway.
This weekend is eXXXotica LA. I plan on going Saturday. Also, Magic: The Gathering is releasing M11 Core Set for pre-release/launch parties. My local stores all have the parties but personally Id rather be hangin with [member]Adrenalynne[/member] than a bunch of sweaty doods, even if it is Magic. M11 looks damn sexy though but Ill get to buy those cards anytime. But not as sexy as her Also, I have many friends in the industry so we may all meet up there.
Next weekend I believe Im on call and it will be the Saturday that I start selling hockey cards at the local weekly show Frank And Sons. This local show is twice a week and bigger than most regional annual shows. Its pretty sick. And its pretty much all collectibles.
Then at the end of the month is San Diego ComicCon. Ive decided to at least go all of the weekdays. Not sure if thats a good thing but I want to meet up with [member]Kemper[/member] and bring her this lil gift I assembled.
Thenthe season is overI think. After that Ill probably be spending every weekend at Frank And Sons and setting up the online portion of my hockey card business. I have like $50 grand in cards to sell. Hopefully rather than a dump, maybe I can turn this pile of cards into some sort of revenue stream.
Dating Stuff
After the last couple of months, I had some rough things happen to me, to my heart. I havent been in shape to try to find someone. Also it felt SO hopeless. As I mentioned before, when things arent working I either work harder or change the approach. In this case Im changing the approach and tried a totally different dating site.
The main problem is that not only am I an uber-geek-supreme, Im a mega pervert to boot. It may have something to do with my intelligence, I can just imagine so much! But how do you put that down in your eHarmony profile?? LOL But I finally found the site and although Im not going to drop the name, I may write about it here depending on how things go.
In fact this will be the most fun Ive ever had writing a profile. And Ill be making a totally different journal for that site, one that talks about all of the filthy things I can do towell, you know.
Thats all for now, thanks for reading this far!
- Ror

Day 4 of Jury Service
As I mentioned before, I got the Jury Duty letter, showed up as I was supposed to and got selected to serve on a real Jury. Cant really talk about the case but I forgot to mention that the real reason why Im having such a great experience is because the judge in this case is just been amazing. He takes so much time to articulate everything to each juror, hes meticulous and yet he has a bright and cheerful personality to boot. Sharp as a tack as well.

Normally when I see someone do a difficult job, not counting something that requires some sort of physical talent, I usually feel like if I was doing that job and spent all my time doing it, I would probably be able to do better than that person. This happens a lot in the US and especially with government non-firearm carrying civil servants. It leaves me with a hollow feeling about our society in general. But not in this case. Im very, very pleased that just maybe some of my tax dollars go to his honors court.
For those who have been away here and there from SG and couldnt read my in-between blogs, heres an excerpt of what I already mentionedif youve already read it, skip the section between the asterisks.
I just got back from the third day of jury service, meaning I'm actually sitting in on a trial. At first I reacted like anyone would, wishing I could get out of it but now I'm very pleased to have the privilege. I wasn't born in this country and I can't think of many in the world at any time that would let a regular person like myself be judged by peers and let me also be judged similarly. It's wonderful.
I've been doing a lot of walking as the courthouse is three blocks away on a hill and also the elevators are very busy. Sometimes I turbo climb/descend 13 flights of stairs because it's faster than taking the elevator.
Funny thing is, I thought for sure the defense attorney would dismiss me due to my law enforcement-ish background. Anyways, I can't discuss the case but I'm having a good experience so far. Speaking of the defense lawyer, she's kinda tall, skinning and blond, and very, very hot for her age. She's also super-meticulous as an attorney in her defense while wearing an incredibly hot outfit in court (she even takes her three inch stilettos off and wears these soft wool boots when court is not in session, meaning she wears these shoes while in session). I couldn't help but think of a certain someone named Amanda while admiring the attorney...lots of similarities minus the heels. smile
Anyways so right now Im sitting in the juror meeting room for all jurors and just relaxing a bit. We got an early lunch because proceedings couldnt start due to one lazy juror not showing up yet. That means for sure there will be a day 5.
I want to think about this case hard as it seems nearly all of the witnesses are liars and are completely sided with either the defense or prosecution. Two of the witnesses, one a cop and one a convict, were either completely incompetent or uncooperative and helped neither side. But instead I find myself thinking about a certain special and beautiful someone that I care about deeply but, well, for privacys sake Im just going to say that things werent working out here on SG and after deep thought, Ive analyzed that things cant work.
Typically when something important (and even stuff that is not that important) if things arent working, I either try harder or keep it up and consider changing my approach. When its a matter of the heart, it can be very difficult. But at this point, Im no longer able to carry on aswellI no longer have the ability to motivate myself.
Back to the case at hand (yay I got to say it!), well probably receive closing arguments this afternoon.
Speaking of being distracted in court by females, what is it about court that causes all of the attractive and semi-attractive women to dress so, so office-chic? Ive seen so many girls in tight outfits and 3+inch high heels and as I write this sitting in the hallway, (I just moved to get to the same floor the courtroom is on, lunch is almost over now) there goes are pretty, blond defense attorney in her usual glossy black spike heels and tight office dress, skirt that ends right below the knees with frills. What can I say, I can't resist a hot girl with a brain AND a hardcore attitude.
I almost quit SG a couple of weeks back and several of you, my friends, knew that already. Things have turned around quite a bit and so many of you friends have to do with it.

I think Ive finished editing my friends list and its not only a list I can feel good about, its also a list of people who make me feel good to be on here. Thanks, you gals and guys, youre great! Youve made the Top 8 feature totally useless for me since I have way more than just 8 pals important to me. Im pretty lucky to know all of you.
I might even try to acquire another group to own.
Ultima Online
Well, due to it being the convention season, I havent been on UO that much lately. But the server Im on is great, the people are only a few and we each treat one another like precious commodities since we all wish there were even more people. The server owner recently got his mojo backhe told me he got a gf IRL so he was pumped. I wanted to hug him when he showed up in his white robe in game on my boat, haha. SHIT I shoulda grabbed a screenie of him. I will next time.
But below is a series of screenshots I got. Finally landed my castle!

And immediately, orcish ganksters camped right next to my wall, sheesh! I just quit WoW and da Horde is already hasslin a brotha.

Me and my pack llama.

Cool looking light tower I've never seen before...
Anyways, Im still having a blast of it.

If anyone would like to try the game, let me know...it's totally free and IMO it's the most important and influential game of the last 20 years and the best MMORPG of all time, still. The first and the best. WoW is just a game. UO is a lifestyle.
So last weekend was Anime Expo, I was able to make it day. Seems like day is a bit too much! I brought half a grand to spend and couldnt even spend a hundred. So bad. Next time Im either bringing a girlfriend or a gal-pal (les do eet Marian!), preferably some geeky cutie from SG and well just bring cameras. Usually AX is a great place for seeing awesome cosplay costumes. No pics this time though. My camera sucks, it dies after taking just a few pics and Im nervous about carrying it around anyway.
This weekend is eXXXotica LA. I plan on going Saturday. Also, Magic: The Gathering is releasing M11 Core Set for pre-release/launch parties. My local stores all have the parties but personally Id rather be hangin with [member]Adrenalynne[/member] than a bunch of sweaty doods, even if it is Magic. M11 looks damn sexy though but Ill get to buy those cards anytime. But not as sexy as her Also, I have many friends in the industry so we may all meet up there.
Next weekend I believe Im on call and it will be the Saturday that I start selling hockey cards at the local weekly show Frank And Sons. This local show is twice a week and bigger than most regional annual shows. Its pretty sick. And its pretty much all collectibles.
Then at the end of the month is San Diego ComicCon. Ive decided to at least go all of the weekdays. Not sure if thats a good thing but I want to meet up with [member]Kemper[/member] and bring her this lil gift I assembled.

Thenthe season is overI think. After that Ill probably be spending every weekend at Frank And Sons and setting up the online portion of my hockey card business. I have like $50 grand in cards to sell. Hopefully rather than a dump, maybe I can turn this pile of cards into some sort of revenue stream.
Dating Stuff
After the last couple of months, I had some rough things happen to me, to my heart. I havent been in shape to try to find someone. Also it felt SO hopeless. As I mentioned before, when things arent working I either work harder or change the approach. In this case Im changing the approach and tried a totally different dating site.
The main problem is that not only am I an uber-geek-supreme, Im a mega pervert to boot. It may have something to do with my intelligence, I can just imagine so much! But how do you put that down in your eHarmony profile?? LOL But I finally found the site and although Im not going to drop the name, I may write about it here depending on how things go.
In fact this will be the most fun Ive ever had writing a profile. And Ill be making a totally different journal for that site, one that talks about all of the filthy things I can do towell, you know.
Thats all for now, thanks for reading this far!
- Ror