I feel like this...
...just the first few seconds, not all 20 minutes, lol.
I made it back from a long week of being on call, although in reality I didn't actually go anywhere. Actually I couldn't go far because if I got a call, chances are I'd have to rush back home back to my network connection and remotely access someone's downed system...
But I'm good now. Funny thing about something bringing you down like the last few blogs...you not only get to find out who is really not a good person but you also get to find out who your friends are and how much they can mean. You know who you are.
I guess I'm not really alone and that's a great feeling...different but great.
Next weekend I plan on going on a CD shopping spree at this great place with tons of used CDs called Second Spin...I'm putting my want list together already! It's in Ontario Mills mall. My best gal pal and I are going to use the mall trip as an excuse to get some exercise/entertainment in while we shop. The CDs often go for 9 bucks or less for the used ones...the new ones are like 18 to 19 bucks each there, lol. A lot of the ones I'll want will be 5 or less I'm sure.
Plus, I'm so pumped, I somehow was able to talk my parents into buying me an iPad. I have a feeling this device is going to change my life. Seriously.
As for what I'm working on currently, and I'm always working on something...there are three things:
1) Some secret thing with the iPad and comics...and now I need to make my way to Comiccon somehow...hopefully my store will have an extra dealer's badge I can borrow for at least a day or two.
2) Hopefully within a month after I finally get my iPad, I can launch my forum on it. I feel like I'm a year late but I also have the feeling the first year won't be as important as years two through four. So I'm late but not too late. It will be the new focus, taking focus off of the AVATAR website, at least until Cameron comes out with his next movie...
3) I have an enormous card collection, mostly of hockey. If I actually sold off all the best stuff, I'd probably have something like 50 grand...if I sold off EVERYTHING over a year and didn't spend a penny of it, I might have double that easily. So another friend and I are going to try to start an online card business first fueled by my collection that sells everything he and I collect. We'll see how it goes.
I'm selling off the hockey though in order to fund some surgery. I'm not able to breath normally through my mouth or nose. So first will be the nasal surgery. I believe I've found a really excellent doctor to do it but my quote was around $8K so I need to sell some stuff. I can easily get there though...I still have two tax returns and a year end bonus so I'll be fine.
On another note, I've been thinking about why I keep doing what I'm doing, work-wise and also social life-wise...
I've discovered that this is my greatest problem and the source of my greatest strength...I don't know. After waking up the day after my last journal, I wasn't mad or sad anymore. I was just numb. Some friends as I mentioned cheered me up a bit but the high from that was good but mild. And I couldn't feel the pain anymore. Sadly I can't help but feel like I'm better off not feeling.
Anyways, I wanted to write about something geeky or nerdy today but I think this will be all for now.
- R
PS - Dance songs are still letting me drive through this rough period in my life.
It's crazy how good these remixes are getting...I'm finding really, really often that there's a really great remix for each song, so great that the remix is better than the original by a LOT. Except for Lady Gaga...her stuff is the best right on the first LP mix. So pro.
This one's been hot on my mind...sometimes I think I would be perfect for Britney as not only would I be a stabilizing yet yielding force, I'd probably be a good influence on her too as the industry she's in must fuck with her mind on a daily basis. But like any pretty girl I've met recently that I might be a good fit for, it just takes so long for someone to penetrate my depths that I never get there. But I'm still glad I'm not shallow. Take it for what it's worth.
PPS - I've been designing tattoo ideas the last couple of months as I finally have something I want to say. But just in the last couple of days or so, I've gotten a really, really killer idea. But I won't be able to share until the work is done and I'm not going for it until after the surgeries mentioned above. And I don't want anyone stealing the ideas!
I feel like this...
...just the first few seconds, not all 20 minutes, lol.
I made it back from a long week of being on call, although in reality I didn't actually go anywhere. Actually I couldn't go far because if I got a call, chances are I'd have to rush back home back to my network connection and remotely access someone's downed system...
But I'm good now. Funny thing about something bringing you down like the last few blogs...you not only get to find out who is really not a good person but you also get to find out who your friends are and how much they can mean. You know who you are.

Next weekend I plan on going on a CD shopping spree at this great place with tons of used CDs called Second Spin...I'm putting my want list together already! It's in Ontario Mills mall. My best gal pal and I are going to use the mall trip as an excuse to get some exercise/entertainment in while we shop. The CDs often go for 9 bucks or less for the used ones...the new ones are like 18 to 19 bucks each there, lol. A lot of the ones I'll want will be 5 or less I'm sure.
Plus, I'm so pumped, I somehow was able to talk my parents into buying me an iPad. I have a feeling this device is going to change my life. Seriously.

As for what I'm working on currently, and I'm always working on something...there are three things:
1) Some secret thing with the iPad and comics...and now I need to make my way to Comiccon somehow...hopefully my store will have an extra dealer's badge I can borrow for at least a day or two.
2) Hopefully within a month after I finally get my iPad, I can launch my forum on it. I feel like I'm a year late but I also have the feeling the first year won't be as important as years two through four. So I'm late but not too late. It will be the new focus, taking focus off of the AVATAR website, at least until Cameron comes out with his next movie...
3) I have an enormous card collection, mostly of hockey. If I actually sold off all the best stuff, I'd probably have something like 50 grand...if I sold off EVERYTHING over a year and didn't spend a penny of it, I might have double that easily. So another friend and I are going to try to start an online card business first fueled by my collection that sells everything he and I collect. We'll see how it goes.
I'm selling off the hockey though in order to fund some surgery. I'm not able to breath normally through my mouth or nose. So first will be the nasal surgery. I believe I've found a really excellent doctor to do it but my quote was around $8K so I need to sell some stuff. I can easily get there though...I still have two tax returns and a year end bonus so I'll be fine.
On another note, I've been thinking about why I keep doing what I'm doing, work-wise and also social life-wise...

I've discovered that this is my greatest problem and the source of my greatest strength...I don't know. After waking up the day after my last journal, I wasn't mad or sad anymore. I was just numb. Some friends as I mentioned cheered me up a bit but the high from that was good but mild. And I couldn't feel the pain anymore. Sadly I can't help but feel like I'm better off not feeling.
Anyways, I wanted to write about something geeky or nerdy today but I think this will be all for now.

- R
PS - Dance songs are still letting me drive through this rough period in my life.

It's crazy how good these remixes are getting...I'm finding really, really often that there's a really great remix for each song, so great that the remix is better than the original by a LOT. Except for Lady Gaga...her stuff is the best right on the first LP mix. So pro.
This one's been hot on my mind...sometimes I think I would be perfect for Britney as not only would I be a stabilizing yet yielding force, I'd probably be a good influence on her too as the industry she's in must fuck with her mind on a daily basis. But like any pretty girl I've met recently that I might be a good fit for, it just takes so long for someone to penetrate my depths that I never get there. But I'm still glad I'm not shallow. Take it for what it's worth.
PPS - I've been designing tattoo ideas the last couple of months as I finally have something I want to say. But just in the last couple of days or so, I've gotten a really, really killer idea. But I won't be able to share until the work is done and I'm not going for it until after the surgeries mentioned above. And I don't want anyone stealing the ideas!

She was a great part of the site while she was here.
borders rewards kick ass!.. i buy so many books its ridiculous!