i heart my lauren!
shes home this week.. and i adore her.
my mommy has ben helping me get my act together with my house suituation.
its been a well known fact my house came with mice. and they have taken over. (they ate the insides of my computer. im pissed.) so they will soon be evicted. i dont care that they are cute. they need to leave.
also - my fridge doesnt work. at all. so we cleaned it out, and i will be getting a new one hopefully on monday.
so happy saveing money by actually being able to keep food in the fridge.
such a stupid thing people take for granted. but trust me - when you dont have something so stupid, you notice it. and it becomes a huge problem.
trying to get my mind set on moving this may. trying not to get to excited because it might not happen.. but in my mind knowing it might.. so i better be ready for it. i have alot of stuff. and its very, very overwhelming.
how do you pack a house worth of stuff that is only going to fit into a bedroom? i dont know either.
is that even possible? we'll see..
so many issues about moving.. im action packed with issues about my dad. and ill be in his house. (hes moving out. so me and my sister are taking over) so he wont be there.. but his stuff, his energy.. everything will be. and i dont know if im ready to handle that. my sister has a very good relationship with him. and lets just say - if i were to get married tomorrow, i wouldnt want him to walk me down the isle. i want nothing to do with him. so the pressure of my sister wanting me to see him.. him wanting me to see him.. because he'll be closer.. "i'll have no excuse not to." theres so much to it. it gives me a headach just thinking about the whole thing.
and to add - the dog. my sister wont get rid of her cats.. so i cant take the dog. shes special. and needs to be the only animal in the house. so the dog is on pet finder. and my mom is hoping she will change her mind about the cats. cause she cant go to just anyone.
also - my fish. i have a 10inch oscar fish i dont know would surive the trip.
ugh... so much stuff.
how do you uproot your life to begin a new one? i know i should do it. and it'll be for the best.. but its alot to deal with.
any suggestions?
i dont know about what.. but any input would be nice...
shes home this week.. and i adore her.
my mommy has ben helping me get my act together with my house suituation.
its been a well known fact my house came with mice. and they have taken over. (they ate the insides of my computer. im pissed.) so they will soon be evicted. i dont care that they are cute. they need to leave.
also - my fridge doesnt work. at all. so we cleaned it out, and i will be getting a new one hopefully on monday.
so happy saveing money by actually being able to keep food in the fridge.
such a stupid thing people take for granted. but trust me - when you dont have something so stupid, you notice it. and it becomes a huge problem.
trying to get my mind set on moving this may. trying not to get to excited because it might not happen.. but in my mind knowing it might.. so i better be ready for it. i have alot of stuff. and its very, very overwhelming.
how do you pack a house worth of stuff that is only going to fit into a bedroom? i dont know either.
is that even possible? we'll see..
so many issues about moving.. im action packed with issues about my dad. and ill be in his house. (hes moving out. so me and my sister are taking over) so he wont be there.. but his stuff, his energy.. everything will be. and i dont know if im ready to handle that. my sister has a very good relationship with him. and lets just say - if i were to get married tomorrow, i wouldnt want him to walk me down the isle. i want nothing to do with him. so the pressure of my sister wanting me to see him.. him wanting me to see him.. because he'll be closer.. "i'll have no excuse not to." theres so much to it. it gives me a headach just thinking about the whole thing.
and to add - the dog. my sister wont get rid of her cats.. so i cant take the dog. shes special. and needs to be the only animal in the house. so the dog is on pet finder. and my mom is hoping she will change her mind about the cats. cause she cant go to just anyone.
also - my fish. i have a 10inch oscar fish i dont know would surive the trip.
ugh... so much stuff.
how do you uproot your life to begin a new one? i know i should do it. and it'll be for the best.. but its alot to deal with.
any suggestions?
i dont know about what.. but any input would be nice...

so I'm fresh out this time. Sorry hon.
you probably can fit most of everything into one room, some of the stuff you wont be able to take but probably the vast majority of it.
it's going to be a tough transition for you to have to make, but if it's for the better you should follow through with it. it's going to be stressful and you're going to be extremely frustrated at times, but you need to remember your ultimate destination.