3 hour adventure shopping spree for games.
dirty minds.
parkinglot adventures x's too many to count.
porn store.
zombie porn. - frightening.
penis tacks.
taco bell.
jumping strangers' car in the middle of the night.
being the last customers.. and the first the next morning.
imagine iff..
peeing in the middle of the road at 4am.
530am walgreens trip.
tagging baristas cars.
staring: stephen seagall!
late night talks.
metal concert.
drunk call from random friend.
and so many memories....
3 hour adventure shopping spree for games.
dirty minds.
parkinglot adventures x's too many to count.
porn store.
zombie porn. - frightening.
penis tacks.
taco bell.
jumping strangers' car in the middle of the night.
being the last customers.. and the first the next morning.
imagine iff..
peeing in the middle of the road at 4am.
530am walgreens trip.
tagging baristas cars.
staring: stephen seagall!
late night talks.
metal concert.
drunk call from random friend.
and so many memories....
nice weekend you had there