its amazing how much of a dissapointment you have been. im not angry, im not upset.. not really even suprised. as i said.. more dissapointed that you were such a coward to not tell me what really was going on, to then lie about it. i hope your happy with your decision. but also.. think about it. if she just met you. and decides to fuck around with you after knowning you for not long at all.. it really shows you what kind of person she is to do it. and also, who you are. im more dissapointed that you went along with it. that you would do that too. i thought you were better than that. i thought you wernt that kind of person.. to just, drop someone you "love" for some stranger who shows the slightest instrest in you. but then again, its happened before. to dump someone, for some reason, to then call it something else more pressing. when its really the other way around, is wrong. just to not have the bourdon if having to cheat. i hope you know you fucked up big time. and youve lost me forever. i hope she was worth it. and i hope you realize you made a huge mistake when she starts sleeping with other people as soon as you go to school. and even right now for that matter.your a coward, and a failure. and really, everything you said to me on the phone before you told me that means nothing to me. because if you had any intention of working things out, you wouldnt have done anything with her in the first place. you wouldnt have even thought about it. but as it seems, you sortof planned on it. a nice scape-goat to make youself feel better about dumping me. i really thought you were better than that. if i knew it was going to end like that, i would have never taken you back in the first place. i wouldnt have wasted my time. "to find who i really am without you". if thats who you really are, good luck. because karmah will be on your ass in no time. or all the angry girls you have to deal with for the rest of your life if you continue on that path. but just know, i have always been fighting for you. i have done so much for you. because i wanted to. without a word of discontent. to have all of that really mean nothing, becuase you wernt thinking about your actions.. and even if you were thinking.. becuase you said youself you wanted me so angry at you. so maybe it would be ok for you to do what you did. its not ok. you cant think its alright to do that to someone you have been with for two years. you go do whatever you want. because really, i have wasted too many tears and too much blood on you.
even though i dont like this band... its still..
- perfect -
Rapid Hope Loss
You called to say you wanted out.
Well, I can't say I blame you now.
Sometimes you've got to fold
before you're found out.
Well thanks for waiting this long to show yourself.
Cause now that I can see you,
I don't think you're worth a second glance.
So much for all the promises you made, they served you well
and now you're gone and they're wasted on me.
So much for your endearing sense of charm, it served you well
and now it's gone and you're wasted on me.
You called to say you wanted out.
Well, I can't say I blame you now.
Sometimes you've got to fold
before you're found out.
Well thanks, thanks for waiting this long to show yourself, show yourself.
Cause now that I can see you,
I don't think you're worth a second glance.
So much for all the promises you made, they served you well
and now you're gone and they're wasted on me.
So much for your endearing sense of charm, it served you well
and now it's gone and you're wasted on me.
I guess that all you've got is all you're gonna get,
so much for, so much more
I guess that all you've got is all you're gonna get,
so much for, so much more
Do what you must if that's what you wish,
I can't be a party to this
you have a sense that you were born with
You'll find a way to make things right.
I guess that all you've got is all you're gonna get.
so much for, so much more
I guess that all you've got is all you're gonna get.
so much for, so much more
I guess that all you've got is all you're gonna get.
so much for, so much more
Dashboard Confessional
even though i dont like this band... its still..
- perfect -
Rapid Hope Loss
You called to say you wanted out.
Well, I can't say I blame you now.
Sometimes you've got to fold
before you're found out.
Well thanks for waiting this long to show yourself.
Cause now that I can see you,
I don't think you're worth a second glance.
So much for all the promises you made, they served you well
and now you're gone and they're wasted on me.
So much for your endearing sense of charm, it served you well
and now it's gone and you're wasted on me.
You called to say you wanted out.
Well, I can't say I blame you now.
Sometimes you've got to fold
before you're found out.
Well thanks, thanks for waiting this long to show yourself, show yourself.
Cause now that I can see you,
I don't think you're worth a second glance.
So much for all the promises you made, they served you well
and now you're gone and they're wasted on me.
So much for your endearing sense of charm, it served you well
and now it's gone and you're wasted on me.
I guess that all you've got is all you're gonna get,
so much for, so much more
I guess that all you've got is all you're gonna get,
so much for, so much more
Do what you must if that's what you wish,
I can't be a party to this
you have a sense that you were born with
You'll find a way to make things right.
I guess that all you've got is all you're gonna get.
so much for, so much more
I guess that all you've got is all you're gonna get.
so much for, so much more
I guess that all you've got is all you're gonna get.
so much for, so much more
Dashboard Confessional
hope everything gets better soon.