my dad sent me a check yesterday. with a note saying to use it for getting the jetta ready for winter. i. am. the. worst. daughter. in. the. world. i didnt tell him i crashed the car, and have a new one. so many issues with talking to him, i dont even bother anymore.
still havent won the lottery. i only got one number right. poo. i was really feeling lucky too.
at work today, some grl i know from a few friends come in to fill out an appt. we start talking, and i mention dan (who we both know, who is supost to move in with me at the end of the month) and i say that i havent talked to him in a month or so..
"wow! really..? he hasnt called you yet..?"
no... why should he have..?
"because i was talking to him a month and a half ago, and he said he wasnt going to move in with you. he didnt say why. i told him to call you about it.. he really didnt?"
thats news to me... a month ago, really?
"yeah.... im sorry you had to hear that from me.. i really thought he talked to you about it... oh man.. im sorry.."
i called him on my next delivery: (answeres like nothings up.) -i heard a rumor that you arnt going to move in with me?
"uh.. yeah... about that.."
-do you concider me a friend?
"yeah, i do... why?"
-cause a friend wouldnt fuck another friend over like you did to me. you were talking about it a month ago or longer, and you didnt talk to me about it. now i have a week and a half to find someone to move in with me, instead of a month and a half if you had just came to me and talked about it. and you know i already have trouble paying everything aready. you just cant think everything will work its-self out with things like that. my whole everything is on the line now, because you decided to avoid the subject.
then he hung up on me. i didnt even try to call him back.
so pretty much... if i dont find someone at the end of the month, im going under. theres no doubt in my mind.
basically - im fucked.
so if im not on here, or go grey, its cause i am poor, and have no money for anything. but i'll be back at some point.
im ready to call the boys in cali. and see if they need another roomate. just pick up and leave. but i dont want to leave andy behind.
still no response to the letter i sent him. i doubt i will get one.
still havent won the lottery. i only got one number right. poo. i was really feeling lucky too.
at work today, some grl i know from a few friends come in to fill out an appt. we start talking, and i mention dan (who we both know, who is supost to move in with me at the end of the month) and i say that i havent talked to him in a month or so..
"wow! really..? he hasnt called you yet..?"
no... why should he have..?
"because i was talking to him a month and a half ago, and he said he wasnt going to move in with you. he didnt say why. i told him to call you about it.. he really didnt?"
thats news to me... a month ago, really?
"yeah.... im sorry you had to hear that from me.. i really thought he talked to you about it... oh man.. im sorry.."
i called him on my next delivery: (answeres like nothings up.) -i heard a rumor that you arnt going to move in with me?
"uh.. yeah... about that.."
-do you concider me a friend?
"yeah, i do... why?"
-cause a friend wouldnt fuck another friend over like you did to me. you were talking about it a month ago or longer, and you didnt talk to me about it. now i have a week and a half to find someone to move in with me, instead of a month and a half if you had just came to me and talked about it. and you know i already have trouble paying everything aready. you just cant think everything will work its-self out with things like that. my whole everything is on the line now, because you decided to avoid the subject.
then he hung up on me. i didnt even try to call him back.
so pretty much... if i dont find someone at the end of the month, im going under. theres no doubt in my mind.
basically - im fucked.
so if im not on here, or go grey, its cause i am poor, and have no money for anything. but i'll be back at some point.
im ready to call the boys in cali. and see if they need another roomate. just pick up and leave. but i dont want to leave andy behind.
still no response to the letter i sent him. i doubt i will get one.