if i submitted a photo set.. and became an sg.. would everyone stay a member on my friends list..? because some are dwindling away.
sobe cap of the day: don't be #1
"and if it takes shit to make bliss, well i feel pretty blissfully..."
- good friend who moved - his phone is dissconected. so i dont even know if he is alive, and nobody knows his address. so i cant send him the care package i have for him. i think i have to call his mother who has only met me once for it. awkward. i worte him a letter.. i wrote it, and didnt re-read it.. so i really have no idea what it says, because when i spill.. i dont think. i just go. and im scared to re-read it. im debating sending it to him or not.
- something big is going to happen with my family suituation in new hampshire... im not sure what yet.. but its something big. so big, its life changing. but i dont know if its going to happen or not, so im trying not to get my hopes up. because everytime i do when its involving my father, he lets me down. but i hope it does. maybe i'll share later, if/when i get more details.
- ive been really depressed lately. still. and i dont know why. crying myself to sleep and i dont even know why. things arnt that bad. i dont get whats wrong with me. i feel ive come to terms with everything that has happened the past few weeks, but im still sad. i dont get myself sometimes.
- work is going well-ish. i feel like im the only one who does anything there. maybe because i am the only one... when something is asked to be done, im the only one who does it, because everyone just stands around waiting for someone to move. "oh.. let me bus another heavy as hell thing of dishes downstairs.. because my back loves me right now, and im strong enough to carry it without almost falling down the stairs.. please.. because i really want to." lazy asses. its wearing me out. i feel like ive gone to the gym for 9+ hours everyday and when i get home.. i can hardly move.
- fridays suck.
- Mindless Self Indulgence coming soon to Toads - anyone going? maybe we can meet up? i cant wait!!
- rented Lords Of Dogtown.. i thing im going to "forget" to bring it back.
sobe cap of the day: don't be #1
"and if it takes shit to make bliss, well i feel pretty blissfully..."
- good friend who moved - his phone is dissconected. so i dont even know if he is alive, and nobody knows his address. so i cant send him the care package i have for him. i think i have to call his mother who has only met me once for it. awkward. i worte him a letter.. i wrote it, and didnt re-read it.. so i really have no idea what it says, because when i spill.. i dont think. i just go. and im scared to re-read it. im debating sending it to him or not.
- something big is going to happen with my family suituation in new hampshire... im not sure what yet.. but its something big. so big, its life changing. but i dont know if its going to happen or not, so im trying not to get my hopes up. because everytime i do when its involving my father, he lets me down. but i hope it does. maybe i'll share later, if/when i get more details.
- ive been really depressed lately. still. and i dont know why. crying myself to sleep and i dont even know why. things arnt that bad. i dont get whats wrong with me. i feel ive come to terms with everything that has happened the past few weeks, but im still sad. i dont get myself sometimes.
- work is going well-ish. i feel like im the only one who does anything there. maybe because i am the only one... when something is asked to be done, im the only one who does it, because everyone just stands around waiting for someone to move. "oh.. let me bus another heavy as hell thing of dishes downstairs.. because my back loves me right now, and im strong enough to carry it without almost falling down the stairs.. please.. because i really want to." lazy asses. its wearing me out. i feel like ive gone to the gym for 9+ hours everyday and when i get home.. i can hardly move.
- fridays suck.
- Mindless Self Indulgence coming soon to Toads - anyone going? maybe we can meet up? i cant wait!!
- rented Lords Of Dogtown.. i thing im going to "forget" to bring it back.
Tell me when for MSI. I'm totally in!
When are you submitting a set ?