Contemplating a SILVER LINING of a GOLDEN AGE while peering out the LA VENTANA from my house in the HOLLYWOOD HILLS I was suddenly memorized by the PUSTEBLUME seeds dancing on the wind to the sound of a CANTO DEL CIGNO when suddenly I found myself staring into the SAPPHIRE colored eyes of a CHAT DU CHESHIRE threatening to TALK NERDY TO ME about a beautiful SWAN MAIDEN dressed in HOT PINK with a crown made of RAIN FLOWER wielding MERMAID MAGIC and preaching of UNICORN LOVE when suddenly I realized Holy S*** THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE COFFEE!!!
The other day I immersed myself into this brilliantly shot and most pleasant fiction TALK NERDY TO ME, it occurred to me that our @cigno, this most incredible human had not yet turned Pink! I have viewed and commented on many of her sets but thru her gorgeous visage I could only see Pink!!! Then I was planning to write a post on random thoughts, and as I was browsing around several pages for ideas and I came across @nebula's post CIGNO SHOULD GO PINK. @cigno is not Pink, and it hurts my heart like being hit by a 2 ton-heavy-thing. I can't imagine how she feels… With 15 Sets that average almost 2600 Likes per Set, with over 11430 Followers this can't be possible… Or should I say HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??? One has to ask the question, how many sets over 2500 or 3000 likes does @cigno have to achieve???? @cigno's persona is so Pink, you can't even remotely fathom she is not Pink… Her Ink is off the charts, her personality is bigger than life, and she an epic beauty… I have never interacted with her, but I have become a mega @cigno fan.. She personifies Pink, she bleeds Pink, she is Pink 24/7/365…!!! I am on bended knee begging @sean and @missy to do the right thing and make this amazing Swan Goddess @cigno a Suicide Girl, make her Pink!!!
TALK NERDY TO ME ~ Hopeful Set by @r_girardi ~ 1954 Likes
GOLDEN AGE ~ Hopeful Set by @corwinprescott 1805 Likes
CANTO DEL CIGNO ~ Hopeful Set by @r_girardi ~ 3124 Likes
HOLLYWOOD HILLS ~ Hopeful Set by @floydian ~ 1726 Likes
HOT PINK ~ Hopeful Set by @merryboudoir ~ 2235 Likes
SILVER LINING ~ Hopeful Set by CDO ~ 2466 Likes
LA VENTANA ~ by @michaelmae ~ 2450 Likes
PUSTEBLUME ~ by @sunshine ~ 2905 Likes
SAPPHIRE ~ by @sawa ~ 2717 Likes
THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE COFFEE ~ by @twist3d ~ 3245 Likes
MERMAID MAGIC ~ by @322west ~ 2762 Likes
UNICORN LOVE ~ by @photo_aj ~ 2772 Likes
RAIN FLOWER ~ Hopeful Set by @mikhailveter ~ 3130 Likes
SWAN MAIDEN ~ by @waikiki ~ 3347 Likes
TIME4PINK is not your everyday post. It's here to focus on the Hopefuls that have proven themselves time and time again with a minimum of 5 sets with over 2000 Likes, a minimum of 5000 followers. Hopefuls that are always contributing amazing content to SG, and supporting fellow Hopefuls, SGs and this site, on here, and multiple social media platforms. TIME4PINK is here to recognize their personal investment, hard work and to especially recognize their SG Spirit!!! These Hopefuls possess something special, definitely inspire us all, and as I have said before BLEED Pink 24/7/365!!!
@missy @sean and @rambo
It's clear that the enigmatic and beautiful @cigno is meant to be Pink ~ please make her Official
Thank you and much love <3
Sweeeeeeet Reads:
SCIENCE FICTION DOUBLE (blog homework) FEATURE by @hiptobes
I've Been Screwing All Day! (An Update) by @ojtheviking