For those of you that do not know me, I am semi-retired with a part-time profession more like a hobby for me, that comes with a very high mortality rate. 5 days ago there was an incident on another boat that my crew and I had to respond too. The details are not public fodder, however its something I am still wrapping my head around. To my surprise my absence of posts on SG was noticed, and I was reminded by an amazing, sweet, cerebral, extraordinarily beautiful BADASS and friend that sometimes the best way to work thru dark times is getting back to the things and people you love. So to my beautiful friend @dariianity thank you for tracking me down via another good friend @xheartswornx, it means a lot. I appreciate the love & support and I am motivated to get back on the horse. With that being said I have a lot of catching up to do and writing commitments to fulfill starting with;
"@dariianity is without a doubt a total BADASS in her debut. Imbued with the fierce confidence of a Rockstar slash Evil Genius, a wicked wicked smile, smoldering playful mischievous eyes, combined with the beauty, grace and poise of a runway model bearing (take a breath *sigh) amazing legs for days and days. Caution underneath @dariianity's good girl looks there lies danger. She is of the ilk of powerful seductresses beyond her years, her sex, an addictive drug that seduces the mind and the body, dragging your soul into the depths of haunting amorous dreams, so white hot you awake in soaked sheets screaming her name and wanting...your heart crushed by a BADASS!!! ~ @leetattar the beautiful genius behind the lens has created true Front Page worthy pin-up girl magic. Her masterful skill always inspires and surprises me. She is a true professional with few equals among her peers and a BADASS! in her own right. If you don't know it already both of you have a special place in my heart!!! @missy, @rambo, @sean, Members, Hopefuls and SGs, I hope you feel the same..."
If you haven't already, please go and show your support for my amazing friend @dariianity and her debut set BADASS, She is a special Hopeful and would represent this community with integrity, honor and love as a SUICIDEGIRL. Follower her and give her much love please, I promise you won't be disappointed.
UPDATES: I have purchased the Domain TIME4PINK.COM .net .org .info and will be creating a forum for all things SuicideGirls... With jumps to every form of Social Media with all links back to SUICIDEGIRLS.COM in support of all my writing projects. There will be plenty of opportunities for guest bloggers like @xheartswornx, @hiptobes and @ojtheviking and of course every beautiful Hopeful, SG and Photographer. As I have just purchased the Domains the sites full debut will be down the road as spell. There will only be teaser content as the site is purely for hobby purposes in the hopes of pushing traffic and support to this amazing community and the people I love. It is not nor will ever be for personal gain.
I have a lot of Sets to catch up on and slideshows to create. I just completed a slideshow for @akiramai's HAVEN SG Set by @waikiki and will post the slideshow ASAP. I am working on @lilymai & @karanlit's WHISPER OF DRYADS and @lady's PAPILLION ~ SG Sets by @coolicio , @clem's SICK SAD WORLD SG Set by @chinaski, @arachnie's EXHIBITIONIST SG Set by @atlanticlungs, @mariajupiter's BOHEMIAN LIKE YOU SG set by @floydian, @fresa's RASPBERRY CREME SG by @thelabrat, @paulam & @natashalegeyda's HONEY LOCOMOVOLT and @dread's WISH YOU WERE BEER SG Sets by @kasha, @redkaya's DREAMS, PLANTS, BODYSUIT AND ME! Hopeful Set by @natalia_randle, @kadito's A WARM DREAM Hopeful Set by @aymi and Time4Pink Edition I @sirenn's FEELIN' MYSELF Hopeful Set by @frankndame to name a few. Trust me there is more that I have not listed. Please send me choices of music for your SETS either send me an MP3 to my DROPBOX or email ropers71@hotmail.com or at least the name of the song and artist you prefer and I will make it happen. (Please give me some feedback on the slideshows so I can improve)
I noticed in the queue that there are some Hopeful favorites of mine that are days away from debut sets @foxieheart, @shaxyo @caelyx @anonima @vonblood @caelyx @dianalark and a hopeful set that just may turn @reika_ pink. Plus heartbreakers and gorgeously amazing SGs @brisen and @marlene have sets that are going live very soon! Ssshhhwwinnnng!!!
SETS THAT ARE FRONT PAGE HELLLL YEAHHH!!! ~ @nebula's EVERYBODY LOVES TANK GIRL SG Set by @zen and @clem's L'AMANTE SG set by @mel_z have been bought and @marlene & @saria's I WANT TO TASTE WHAT YOU TASTE LIKE SG Set by @chinaski went Front Page. So can we please get off of our backsides and show more love for @leetattar's MAGICAL LAMP OF ALADDIN SG Set by @alexander_magnus and @ivylina's FROM DAWN TO DUSK SG Set by @mel_z. 3 out of 5 ain't bad but 5 for 5 would be RockStar Worthy! @ivylina & @leetattar are my bae's I love them so damn much, @mel_z & @alexander_magnus crushed home runs with their mad photog skills and lets face it, these Sets are so fucking amazing they belong on the Front Page period end of story... Pull the trigger Front Page pretty Please!!!
TIME4PINK's EDITIONS I @_kettle & @sirenn, EDITION II @oceana and EDITION III @kpax need your support on @Seans HOPEFUL GROUP THREAD ~ TIME4PINK is my passion and I will support @_kettle @sirenn @kpax @oceana and every Hopeful I write about relentlessly until their Day comes. As much effort as I put into supporting all of you, all I am asking of this community is to hammer @sean's thread until we make progress. So please take a moment and show your love. New editions coming soon! If you know of any Hopefuls that meets the criteria of 5 sets or more averaging 2000+ likes bring them to my attention.
@leetattar's Team Ukraine featured in the UKRAINIAN EXPRESS that includes SG @inngrinn and hopefuls @avecalluna, @dariianity, @marisabel, @darkenmort, @dianalark will be posting soon featuring some new recruits as soon as I get names. :) I love love this group of amazing women, some I know better than others. @darkenmort and @dianalark are still a bit shy of me yet, but I am working on it.
@ivylina's recruits which I would like to feature in an ongoing post called IVYLINA's RED CIRCLE (waiting for approval) with New SG @Kaleria and Hopefuls @Donawhale @Redkaya @AlbaRose @Jases @Stacy_mur @Stanislava @alisa_kizar @Sinamon @Valera @Stana @Izyum @Cabani @Alkimena @Lappywar @Anclefairy @Zakris @Ksandra, the more I get know all of you the more I can write about you. Please say здравствуйте or Привет (I get their context confused) when you get a chance :)
@coolicio's Queue Unofficial and Unauthorized is still in the works I promise :( Yep yep, I still am unashamed by my love and mega crush for Australian Goddess, Photag, Model, Mom (did I already say Goddess?) @coolicio ;) so I will get it together and get more support headed your way... I am going to take a lil license at this point to shout some love to @mila @caughtfiresg @zoso @erinys and @hartlee so many beautiful Aussie Beauties so little time... If possible would someone please find out if @keto_sgh is doing well..??
Stop by @_kettle's Aussie Member Review Love: Part 30 there is more love to give and beautiful Aussie Babes that need your support.
Wrapping things up cause I am exhausted ~ Thank you @dariianity & @xheartswornx for thinking of me, I really needed someone outside of me usual circle to wake me out of my apathy. For everyone else If you feel left out at all I want to hear about it and correct it.. and my shameless Puppy & Kitty Post of Tora & Niko is still available if anyone needs a reason to smile.
As always Much Much Love 2 You All ❤️❤️❤️
Ropers71 ~ Ak.a Shawn with a W