Self Help Tip #8

Question what you believe, explore what you don't understand.
Self Help Hint #6

Don't let work get in the way of fun.
I love the pictures of your rope work! It's amazing!!!!
Self Help Tip# 3

Only be intolerant of intolerant people.
Sounds like you have a wonderful relationship wink Thank you for sharing with me kiss
So anyway I walk into this cave and the first thing you see is a neon sign for osamamart. I needed a few things so I decided to check it out. Why are all freakin’ anarchists closet capitalists? It would have cost me the equivalent of $10 usd to get my osama card so I could shop. Luckily I had my refrigerated goatskin on me...
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That's a tad bit freaky, not unlike the hats I posted. So, are you and echo a D/s relationship or just playing? I was at one time a submissive, but have long since became a Top. have you ever heard of Madori, she's wonderful.
Self help hint #2

Create your own time zone then you will never be late for anything again.
Still in Afghanistan. Can't fill you in on much, but it's a hell of a lot safer than some of the minefields I face everyday at work. One of my coworkers plays one of the cheesey oldies stations. Walk into his area at the wrong time and your singing raindrops keep falling on my head all fuckin' day. Talk about psych ops.

I've entered the...
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Ever done suspension?
Songs I sing in the shower (in no particular order)

My own worst enemy
I remember you (yeah, I'm a sucker for hair bands)
Pretty in pink
Rain king
Times like these
I'm not an addict
Fast as you (Don't ask)
Mystery Dance
Stacy's mom
Melt with you
any song with fuck in it
The kids are alright
Train in vain
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Self help Tip #1

When you live alone, all your annoying habitats disappear.
good tip. I like the blue rope pics. I have been in love with shibari for years.
Can't say much, this mission is top secret and I don't know if you're a top or a bottom. I'm in the caves, so much to tell y'all, but I gotta run. More later.