self help hint #16

there is beauty in everyone and everything, find it.
self help hint #16

there is beauty in evryone and everything, find it.
Self Help Tip #15

Don't worry about what the four out of five doctors think, find out what the fifth is thinking.
I used to hear voices in my head now I don't. Now I hear them outside of my head. Which in many ways is a tad less scary since there are places in my mind even I am afraid of going to. What's that? You want me to talk about......WHAT! I can't do that...............WHAT? Are you crazy? No? Oh, I'm the one that's crazy? Do...
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Self Help tip #14

We're all insignificant in the grand scheme of things, get over it
I'm having some problems editing my preferences. I've listed myself as a member to ignore and I still find new entries in my journal. It wouldn't be so bad except for the fact however is making these entries is clearly certifiably insane. There's no rhyme or reason to the posts. Oddly, we seem to have quite a bit in common which makes it even more...
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well just go with it i gues and see what happens
We're celebrating my girl echo's birthday a week from wednesday. I thought I'd get her something special and since I have a few really cool surprise gifts - more on these later - I thought I'd let her pick this one out herself.

Saturday was errand day, even before getting out of bed we had 24 things we wanted to do - now, how many...
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When I stop to think about it, I find I am constantly walking the thin line between sanity from insanity. Not that thgis really scares me, since I think some of my fondest memories and greatest accomplishments spring forth from most would consider to be crazy ideas or unconventional thought. Mostly I take solice in the fact I born in the time period I was...
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hope all is well and kool pics