I thought I'd take advantage of this brief moment of lucidity to bring up the subject of Drums and Tuba. They are an Austin Tx band and they are like nothing I've heard before. Instead of a bass player they have a tuba player. So far all I've heard is instrumental - with mental being the key here. In someways it's like psychosurf meets hillbilly...
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You know, I have considered the Distillers. Their first 2 albums: outstanding. Coral Fang: absolute poser crap. Doesn't help that Brody broke my man's heart for Josh Homme either. But prejudice aside I did give their latest album a chance, and hated it. But I will give two enthusiastic thumbs up to their first album and Sing Sing Deathhouse. And thanks for giving daps to the Pistols and Ramones. I'm drunk and gonna go to bed now. Cellar Door. kiss
P.S. Thanks for the novel - I like people that can speak in length. You hold the current record for longest post in my journal. Keep up the good work! Cellar Door. kiss
It happened. I'm not proud of what I did, but I put the olives and the apples, banana peppers and mayo in the tuna and mixed it all up. I knew I was treading on ground long abandoned by god herself when as soon as I started to add the mayo a dark cloud passed in front of the sun blotting out all the life...
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Despite being told that I'm offending the very god that created me and no good could come of it, I'm continuing my unnatural experiments with tunafish.

I thought adding green olives to my ussual mix of tuna, apples and mayo was pushing the envelope, but then in a fit of inspired creativity that few mortals would understand or themselves experience I created a new life...
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My mom eats that stuff too. Just wanted to stop by (if I haven't already, I'm losing track) and say thanks for checking out my set in the hopefuls (Shock: ballerina rejected). Good to know someone would've accepted it! Take care... Cellar door. kiss
Watched Donnie Darko director's cut. Some good additions some bad and some indifferent. I'd like to see Rope's cut, but that will probably never happen.

But watch out for our new feature length movie: Short Bus Zombies. Coming to a thearter near you.

Oh well, need to spend some quality time with turbo tax...
Saw a few movies lately. Goes something like this:

Constantine vs Hellboy - Hellboy with a TKO in the first round. Simply put, Constintine sucked - especially for $8.00
at least the company was good.

Van Helsing vs Dracula 3000 - Tough choice except that Dracula 3000 is the worst vampire movie ever made and Van Helsing was just, well just bad with some cool...
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Members party last night rocked. Very few people so we had the whole place pretty much to ourselves. Next play date won't be until 4th friday. There is always a good crowd and a chance to show off a bit.

The car is still in the shop. When will the madness ever stop? Why am I so dependent on my car? I actually miss my...
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Well social night as always was tonsof fun. Just mostly jawed. Saturday night is a members only party Hmmmmmm I liove members only parties.

My car fucked up again, so it's back to the shop tomorrow morning. At least this time they are giving me a loaner car.
I have to get it to the dealer at 8:00 am on my day off. This is...
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Waiting to make a phone call this morning. My car should be out of the shop today and I can get rid of the little toy rent car. Pretty scary to drive.

My witch friend Katt gave me a candle to burn with runes to comfort, ordered thought, victory,passion and fire. She's a good witch. The candle is burning.

Watched Sky Captain and the World...
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who does?

Thanks for the comment on my set. T'was very nice smile
This seems like as good a place as any so ...............

Got my credit card bill today. Was making great progress on paying it down until the power steering pump went out on my car. Oh well..........

Watched Donny Darko for the 4 millionth time to make it all better.

Each time I watch it I find something new to ponder. I have a strong...
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