Well, looks I'll be stuck in the great state of Texas for a few days or so. So.................... to keep myself busy, I'm dying some rope tonight. Need a pink rope - my girl echo's favorite color - so I thought I'd do it myself with a nice 3/8" x 25' rope to see how things go. And, since all the servants are off tonight,...
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Self Help Tip #10

Life is a recreational sport, play it to win.
In honor of my almost buying Ireland - too many leprechauns and after seeing that movie I figured I'd never be able to sleep, they're pretty creepy not all that they're magically delicious bull they feed you on tv - and its blue skies and green hills, I tied my girl echo in green and blue.

It's a tie I've been working on for a...
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Gotta run, me and my girl echo are going to play.............

I think I'm going to buy Ireland. My parents just got back and said it was a great place to visit, so me and my girl echo are flying over to check it out. Since they like the color green, I'll bring enough cash so I can buy it outright if we like it.

Just got an e from bat boy, turns out he has everything under control in Afghanistan and told me not to bother to come back and he'll call me if the situation changes. Frankly, as much as I enjoyed bat boy, there is too much sand in afghanistan and that darn beard itched like hell.

So me and my girl echo decided to take a...
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Well, I had to dash back to the old US of A to satisfy the unreasonable demands of the tax man. The libretarian streak in me REALLY comes out at tax time. Of course since I'm ungodly wealthy, and good looking if you ask my Mom, I actually qualify for an EIC. It's freakin' amazing what a good -and more or less law abiding tax...
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Self Help Tip #8

Question what you believe, explore what you don't understand.
Self Help Hint #6

Don't let work get in the way of fun.
I love the pictures of your rope work! It's amazing!!!!
Self Help Tip# 3

Only be intolerant of intolerant people.
Sounds like you have a wonderful relationship wink Thank you for sharing with me kiss