Someone stole my hubcaps... This town has gone to shit, I have lived in some pretty rough areas, and my truck was never messed with. I move to AZ and it gets broken into and now some ASS steals my hubcaps.
This is going to make me hot for awhile, I wish i could have caught the creep doing it .
Well I'm once again writting another paper. I hate writting papers.
I woke up this mourning with the feeling that its time to leave. It might just be because i'm pissed and a little bummed about my truck, but it just feels like things are not wrorking out for me here. School is great well as great as GCC can be., but the other things in my life need alot of work.
This is going to make me hot for awhile, I wish i could have caught the creep doing it .
Well I'm once again writting another paper. I hate writting papers.
I woke up this mourning with the feeling that its time to leave. It might just be because i'm pissed and a little bummed about my truck, but it just feels like things are not wrorking out for me here. School is great well as great as GCC can be., but the other things in my life need alot of work.
they didnt apt managers did.. dunno what roomies did.. i have 3 cats.. 3 snakes.. 5 betta fish.. 4 bearded dragons