Damn, i was shot this weekend.
Something hit me on Sunday and I could only get out of bed for about 4 hours. I just slept and slept and slept.
I felt like shit all day on Monday then at about 7 pm it was like someone flipped a switch and I felt fine.


I'm tired again now...so I'm going to bed.
Ok, so when someone at work on monday asks you how you spent your saturday...is it alright to tell them?
I happened to spend the day knocking on doors for J Kerry, but I know if I said that at work (to the wrong person) I could just get heaping piles of shit for it.
The funny thing is if I told them I spent...
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Welcome to the BCB group.
Hello everybody...
Mike here...

Is it okay to come outside? Have all the hurricanes gone?
I felt like instead of going out to have fun every weekend all we do is get ready for the next hurricane!

Anyway...It's time to get back to having fun.

if anyone in the area wants to say Hi - or anywhere for that matter - feel free. talk about...
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