I saw Watchmen last night and...
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
It was ok.
I think the problem with it for me was that I have read the comic and my expectations were too high. Although 80% of the film was straight from the page and the casting was great (apart from whoever it was who played Adrian Veidt. He just wasn't Veidt, he didn't have the stature or looks.) the film just didnt work for me. I knew before i went in that they cut 'Tales of the Black Freighter' & that most of 'Under the Hood' was in the end shown in the title sequence but to me too much had gone. I know that in almost any adapation from one media to another you need to make changes & if they had been loyal to the book it would have been a 4 hour long film but because they had cut so much (Shea and the others going missing) they had to change the ending. Changing the ending ruined it for me. Not only that but the character of the City of New York had gone. The News Stand and the people who visit it needed to be there to show the chaos that was slowly building. Laurie didn't hate the Comedian enough, Hollis's murder was cut and they didn't really show how the world didn't want them. How times had changed. How the police were after them, How real the world was. It was all those little things that made the comic great. I would love to know what people thought of the film who hadn't read the book. I asked Sally what she thought of it but she said that she had fallen asleep halfway through. I felt sorry for those in the cinema who hadn't read the comic, because I think they would have had a hard time following what was going on. I guess I was expecting too much from a film that couldnt possibly deliver. All in all it wasn't a bad film, and no doubt I will want to see it again, I am just hoping that there will be a 4 hours director's cut on DVD. Packed with special features, and if there is I'll be first in the queue.