Friday Jan 16, 2009 Jan 16, 2009 0 Facebook Tweet Email My list of invitees (in order of importance): George W. Bush Senator Stephen Conroy Reverend Fred Nile 4BC's Michael Smith Who would you add? VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS cleverthings: Free for dinner Thursday, 29 Jan? Trying to organise a Brisbane hookup to meet Ziltoid and just generally catch up w all SGAU-ers!! Jan 21, 2009 kye: SPOILERS! (Click to view)Look! It is me!!!!!! SPOILERS! (Click to view)Look again!!! Wanna come to the beach on Saturday? SPOILERS! (Click to view)And now, the real reason why I'm here: I love the bit at the end. Seriously, this is up there with the Ninja Rap. Fo' sure! Mwah Jan 21, 2009
I love the bit at the end. Seriously, this is up there with the Ninja Rap. Fo' sure!