I had an epic post written to put up tonight. It was heartfelt, it was elegant and it articulated the conflicts and indecisions clashing in my head perfectly.
This is not that post.
But unlike so many posts that begin with "I had an epic post written..." mine wasn't discarded because of a site crash.
I was going to post about how stressed I was becoming with the happenings in my life. I was going to write about how I realised it was time I simplified my lifestyle and how difficult that was proving because, individually, I very much enjoy every aspect of the way I'm living.
You haven't heard me complaining before now about my life as I only recently took on the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back. I recent;y enquired about, and was offered, some light blogging work. As excited as I was by this however, it didn't take long for me to realise I was going to find it difficult to devote the appropriate time to doing it well.
I was stressing about fitting everything in and, even though I knew I'd have to cut back on other things, I couldn't decide what. I felt I had to decide between my social life or my virtual life. And that was tough. So I poured my heart into a post about it, and then everything became clear.
In writing the post I was able to make the decisions that had been escaping me. In organising my thoughts about the morass of activity and endeavour that is my life, I was able to see more clearly what was important to me and what I had to do.
I've decided that there was no real decision to be made at all. Blogging, especially the kind of blogging I've been offered, is about as close to the perfect job for me as I can imagine. And to jeopardise that for a few nights out (or in, as the case may be) was stupidity in it's purest form.
This blogging isn't a lot right now. It's not going to pay the bills and it is certainly far from a new career, but it's a start. It may lead on to bigger and better things, I need to give it that chance.
It also may lead to nothing at all and fizzle out altogether. If that happens, the silver lining will be that I'll be able to resurrect my previous lifestyle and will have lost nothing in the attempt.
Whichever way it pans out in the long run. this is an opportunity that I can't afford to forego, half-ass, or abandon.
And so, from now until further notice I will have no week-night engagements (excepting for REALLY good reasons), so I get a good shot at this new gig.
So, yeah, this is not the post I had written, but it's something better.
Thank you
That is all.
This is not that post.
But unlike so many posts that begin with "I had an epic post written..." mine wasn't discarded because of a site crash.
I was going to post about how stressed I was becoming with the happenings in my life. I was going to write about how I realised it was time I simplified my lifestyle and how difficult that was proving because, individually, I very much enjoy every aspect of the way I'm living.
You haven't heard me complaining before now about my life as I only recently took on the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back. I recent;y enquired about, and was offered, some light blogging work. As excited as I was by this however, it didn't take long for me to realise I was going to find it difficult to devote the appropriate time to doing it well.
I was stressing about fitting everything in and, even though I knew I'd have to cut back on other things, I couldn't decide what. I felt I had to decide between my social life or my virtual life. And that was tough. So I poured my heart into a post about it, and then everything became clear.
In writing the post I was able to make the decisions that had been escaping me. In organising my thoughts about the morass of activity and endeavour that is my life, I was able to see more clearly what was important to me and what I had to do.
I've decided that there was no real decision to be made at all. Blogging, especially the kind of blogging I've been offered, is about as close to the perfect job for me as I can imagine. And to jeopardise that for a few nights out (or in, as the case may be) was stupidity in it's purest form.
This blogging isn't a lot right now. It's not going to pay the bills and it is certainly far from a new career, but it's a start. It may lead on to bigger and better things, I need to give it that chance.
It also may lead to nothing at all and fizzle out altogether. If that happens, the silver lining will be that I'll be able to resurrect my previous lifestyle and will have lost nothing in the attempt.
Whichever way it pans out in the long run. this is an opportunity that I can't afford to forego, half-ass, or abandon.
And so, from now until further notice I will have no week-night engagements (excepting for REALLY good reasons), so I get a good shot at this new gig.
So, yeah, this is not the post I had written, but it's something better.
Thank you
That is all.
Have you had an opportunity to read Caitlin R Kiernan's blog yet? I also really like SickorSane's effort, actually (he links to it in his blog). It's probably the closest to what I would most enjoy reading. I really like reading about the writing process itself though, so Caitlin's always rewards in that regard.
And the reason I came here, actually, was to growl about it having been almost an entire month since your "Casa del Zoe" update! I want to hear about cats.
Great to see you on Saturday! Much fun.