Women can be so FUCKING GULLIBLE sometimes mad I swear this ex of mine needs an actual crowbar to the head to fix whatever the fuck makes her say some of the shit she says. Low self esteem, guys, it's a fucking killer. Some guy clearly uses her, and what does she come out with? "I probably wasn't good enough, it was my fault". ARE YOU...
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These types of men make me sick, they do it to anyone they can. I'm sorry your ex has such low self-esteem, I know her pain all too well, but normally could tell the difference between a fuck and a relationship. There's no real way to fix low self-esteem either, there is no cure. I've had problems with it my entire life and have yet to figure out how to make it go a way, it's like post-traumatic stress disorder, it's just always there...
Luckily I'm too shy to let anyone close to me like that and I admit I usually lable all men as douchbags, but I can still tell the difference between gentlemen and assholes. I used to be that gullible, but I was too young to be getting any farther then first base. Personally I suffer from low self esteem and I try to help others in the same boat as me, but sometimes they choose to just envelope themselves in thief own self loathing.... It's stupid.
New job starts tomorrow. Found out very recently one of my friends from a previous studio will also be working there. Good to know I already know someone there, and we get on really well so it's a boost. Plus the interview went fantastic, so hopefully this job should last longer than expected.

Also tearing through my tattoo designs. Shouldn't take long before I have...
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Can't wait to see your arm tat drawn out
Congrats on getting a new job! I hope all goes well. It already seems as if it is going to be a positive atmosphere for you. Also, I can not wait to see the arm tat.
As my previous entry states, I was up till CockMongler O' Clock last night shooting the shit. Was about to go to sleep when my ex came online. Now to give a brief summary, it was my only real relationship of note, and we never really got over each other. But we've remained friends and are still very important to one another. She came online...
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That's a shame she still has that stigma about her. It's hard to break people from that when it's so ingrained in them. My ex has a slew of issues and it just got plain to hard to comfert her. I mean, it's not that I didn't love her or try my best to help, but I could only do so much. It was a weird position to be in for me. But like you said, we do what we can. But with us living in seperate cities, I feel it's not enough sometimes.
Haha, definitely thinking about it. I have it just sitting off to the side for now.
Who has two thumbs, speaks limited French, and stayed up till 8am talking shit on the internet? THIS MOI

bleurgh... blackeyed
(this is me just getting the comment system)
It is for a good cause, but some odd shit comes in sometimes haha. There are times I think the donar isn't aware of the value of what they're donating.