Now I've got a massage table to go out and practice with. It's been interesting to try and make practice sessions with friends. Who wouldn't want a free massage? I guess with all of the time we spend doing our normal lives it doesn't make sense to take an hour to get relaxed. However I do have a few that have volunteered their bodies for an hour.
The next step is making a relaxing room in my house so that I can bring people in for a massage. It's been a fun adventure so far.
The next step is making a relaxing room in my house so that I can bring people in for a massage. It's been a fun adventure so far.
I think I've reached a point in my life where I'd like to spend an hour to get relaxed, mainly because I'm sore from head to toe. I think even my hair hurts! no, wait, the Army cut off my hair. But if I had any, it would probably hurt

HAHA I will try