Let's see...the world is changing but I don't always know if it's a good direction or an illusion.
1. Work has been busy...but it's delaying us moving the business into the house where the rent is directly related to our mortgage.
2. Work has been busy...thus I haven't been able to put forth an honest effort to search for that elusive job working for somebody else.
3. On the gaming front...thanks to SG I've made some new friends on the WoW groups page. I've since moved out of my old clique oriented guild into a new higher end raiding guild. I thought high raiding would be more stressful but due to the lack of drama it's been a cake walk.
4. On the gaming front...I've lowered the number of hours I play just because I've changed guilds. I know what is going to happen and when. All I have to do is show up at that hour and I'm most likely in the run.
5. On the gaming front...my wife and I have been playing D&D with our good friends in lieu of playing computer games. We play out on the deck when it's nice out and trade off making dinner. It's been a lot of fun.
6. Garden frustration...I finally decided to plant zucchini this year. I used to hate that stuff as a kid. Nothing is growing as fast as I had hoped. The neighbors have huge plants and totally neglect the patch that they grow in. I have mulch(shredded leaves) and no weeds. Normally I have the green thumb. I guess if that's the only crap I have to deal with then it's not that bad. I'll miss my tomatoes if they don't start popping soon.
7. I continue to be in AWE of the ongoing sets from all of the SG's on this site. You girls are the bomb and deserve the world for what you do. I don't always understand why certain sets don't get published but I guess there's a method to their madness.
1. Work has been busy...but it's delaying us moving the business into the house where the rent is directly related to our mortgage.
2. Work has been busy...thus I haven't been able to put forth an honest effort to search for that elusive job working for somebody else.
3. On the gaming front...thanks to SG I've made some new friends on the WoW groups page. I've since moved out of my old clique oriented guild into a new higher end raiding guild. I thought high raiding would be more stressful but due to the lack of drama it's been a cake walk.
4. On the gaming front...I've lowered the number of hours I play just because I've changed guilds. I know what is going to happen and when. All I have to do is show up at that hour and I'm most likely in the run.
5. On the gaming front...my wife and I have been playing D&D with our good friends in lieu of playing computer games. We play out on the deck when it's nice out and trade off making dinner. It's been a lot of fun.
6. Garden frustration...I finally decided to plant zucchini this year. I used to hate that stuff as a kid. Nothing is growing as fast as I had hoped. The neighbors have huge plants and totally neglect the patch that they grow in. I have mulch(shredded leaves) and no weeds. Normally I have the green thumb. I guess if that's the only crap I have to deal with then it's not that bad. I'll miss my tomatoes if they don't start popping soon.
7. I continue to be in AWE of the ongoing sets from all of the SG's on this site. You girls are the bomb and deserve the world for what you do. I don't always understand why certain sets don't get published but I guess there's a method to their madness.
Your cat profile picture is awesome!
Garter belt and stockings are my weakness too! Also I do agree with above comment your cat profile pic is just adorable !