ok im writing the new blog because.... IT IS MY BIRTHDAY
yayy.....turning 28 this year
usually i couldnt care less about my birthday but so far this has been a fun day
stayed up late last home around 3am....had to work at 7am
it was a fun interesting night at the side of the highway with cars driving by and the occasional coyote walking by
but lots of fun
today i somehow managed to get through work on 2 and a half hours of sleep. and feeling great.
Canada post has been on strike but today i finally got mail delievered and my tax refund is on. almost $4700
soo pumped about i can finally car shop
i have enough in my account to give a nice downpayment and take it from there
had swiss chalet for dinner. it was quite nice
now im just laying around relaxing waiting for my dad to come home since i havent seen him since i got home at 3am lol
i hope everyone is doing great
ok im writing the new blog because.... IT IS MY BIRTHDAY
yayy.....turning 28 this year
usually i couldnt care less about my birthday but so far this has been a fun day
stayed up late last home around 3am....had to work at 7am
it was a fun interesting night at the side of the highway with cars driving by and the occasional coyote walking by
but lots of fun

today i somehow managed to get through work on 2 and a half hours of sleep. and feeling great.
Canada post has been on strike but today i finally got mail delievered and my tax refund is on. almost $4700
soo pumped about i can finally car shop

had swiss chalet for dinner. it was quite nice

now im just laying around relaxing waiting for my dad to come home since i havent seen him since i got home at 3am lol
i hope everyone is doing great