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felt i should write another since i have time after just finishing dinner.
soooo what did i do this weekend. hmmmmmm
i had the most awesome lunch ever yesterday
went to the bourbon st grill and got my traditional saturday meal.
Cajun chicken, bourbon chicken, yellow rice and home fries. It was all fresh and soooo fucking good.
Heres a pic of it
sure it may not look good all on the plate
they kinda just throw it together but trust me its fucking delicious.
ok so Saturday night i went to best buy as per usual when there is something i want.
I bought Law Abiding Citizen and season 3 of Dexter.
I loved Law Abiding Citizen, however the ending sucked majorly. I was very disappointed by it. But i still recommend watching it
Dexter season 3. Wasnt the best of the seasons. Im still waiting for season 4. I just had beefs with how the season played out. But i wont list them here cause i still liked it, just was hoping for more Dexter killing
Im loving watching the Olympics, sucks i will be working nights this week so ill miss a lot of it.
i have been addicted to the cadbury mini eggs
i went to the store and saw a big family pack. Why did i buy it? someone take the bag away i cant stop eating. It's just sooooo damn yummy.
i must fight not going back for more
i cant ruin my losing weight streak. Down 20 lbs and feeling great. 40 more lbs to go.
So bed time this week will be 6 or 7am. How fun working nights.
At least i won't be disappointed by anyone, which has been the case so far in 2010 lol
Doubt ill believe anyones word for a while so ill see how it plays out. Just work and be happy
Ok back to relax on the lazy Sunday.

felt i should write another since i have time after just finishing dinner.
soooo what did i do this weekend. hmmmmmm
i had the most awesome lunch ever yesterday
went to the bourbon st grill and got my traditional saturday meal.
Cajun chicken, bourbon chicken, yellow rice and home fries. It was all fresh and soooo fucking good.
Heres a pic of it

sure it may not look good all on the plate

ok so Saturday night i went to best buy as per usual when there is something i want.
I bought Law Abiding Citizen and season 3 of Dexter.
I loved Law Abiding Citizen, however the ending sucked majorly. I was very disappointed by it. But i still recommend watching it

Dexter season 3. Wasnt the best of the seasons. Im still waiting for season 4. I just had beefs with how the season played out. But i wont list them here cause i still liked it, just was hoping for more Dexter killing

Im loving watching the Olympics, sucks i will be working nights this week so ill miss a lot of it.
i have been addicted to the cadbury mini eggs
i went to the store and saw a big family pack. Why did i buy it? someone take the bag away i cant stop eating. It's just sooooo damn yummy.
i must fight not going back for more
i cant ruin my losing weight streak. Down 20 lbs and feeling great. 40 more lbs to go.
So bed time this week will be 6 or 7am. How fun working nights.
At least i won't be disappointed by anyone, which has been the case so far in 2010 lol
Doubt ill believe anyones word for a while so ill see how it plays out. Just work and be happy

Ok back to relax on the lazy Sunday.