Figured I do a new blog since its been almost 3 months.
There really hasnt been anything new.
I havent been able to find steady work. I've applied to places but dont really get much callbacks. I know times are getting tough but this is depressing. Im relying on my dad's help and it makes me feel like shit. I should be helping him like i use to be when i was working, not like this now.
My agency i had been working for informed me they are trying to get a contract with some company and if they get it finalized then they would call me first. Supposed to be this week or next week. I'm really hoping for it.
Not working is a total borefest. Can't really do much at all, since i don't have money to spend. It all goes to bills.
Some positive news. My nephew turns 3 today
. I wont get to see him. Family issues have caused me to rarely see him. It's been since Christmas when i last saw him. Miss that little guy. I spent the whole day with him. It made Christmas even better.
My dog is also doing good. He loves the Canadian winters. He would spend all day outside in the cold if he could, he is in love with snow i just wish more fell in Mississauga and Toronto.
I watched the Oscars last night. I was really pissed off Sean Penn won. I wanted Mickey Rourke to win it. If not him then Brad Pitt or Frank Langella. I really didnt think Sean Penn deserved it. Otherwise i was happy with the winners....and i actually liked the way they presented the major awards with past winners. Some didnt like it, but i thought it was a nice change.
People complained about the Dark Knight not being nominated for best picture. I like the movie, but after breaking it down many times i have concluded that outside of Heath Ledger's acting and the action scenes, the movie wasnt that great at all. I didnt really like the whole plot. I wish they went for the R rating to really show the Joker's sadistic side as well as Two-Face's dark side. That's what also pissed me off. They rushed the Two-Face character and then just kill him off. The Joker should have died and Two-Face should have lived to get a further plot. Blah i could talk about it forever.
Still enjoyed the movie though dont get me wrong
Maybe I'll load some new pics soon. It's been forever since i posted one.
Tonight 24 and House are on. My 2 favourite shows on television. Although House is having a bad season. He's lost his edge a bit. And im tired of having to watch 13 and Foreman have a big story line. They are the most boring chracters there. And i wonder why they call her 13, maybe its because the actress who plays her appeared on the OC and that got canceled, then she was in a great tv show called the Black Donnelly's which got canceled before people got to really enjoy it....shes just bad luck lol
24 is pretty good this year. Not their best season, but for sure way better then season 6. It will be interesting to see where this goes.
Other shows im watching this season are;
Fringe - really great new show, itsl ike the X-Files, but its done great.
Lost - show gets boring at times and i question some things they do, but im still watching it since it ends next year.
Smallville - Lois Lane needs to be on more. Shes the hottest one on the show. Enough of Lana, no one cares about her. And Doomsday needs to re-appear soon
Supernatural - I like how the show doesnt take itself serious and adds comedy to it. Great show.
Flashpoint - just started watching this 3 weeks ago and have become addicted to it.
Raising the Bar - started watching it cause it has Zach from Saved By the Bell lol ... but nice show for a friday night.
for mondays i also Heroes, CSI Miami if i have time The Big Bang Theory, Gary Unmarried and 2 and a half man.
Horatio Caine is the best one in the CSI franchise lol
Heroes - still not as great as it could be but im hoping it gets better
The Big Bang theory - funny funny funny show.
Gary Unmarried - still on the fence but Jay Mohr is pretty funny
2 and a half man - the best comedy on tv right now
hmmmm ok thats enough for now
maybe ill write another blog soon instead of in 3 months lol
comment if ya like, i answer all messages so dont be scared
There really hasnt been anything new.
I havent been able to find steady work. I've applied to places but dont really get much callbacks. I know times are getting tough but this is depressing. Im relying on my dad's help and it makes me feel like shit. I should be helping him like i use to be when i was working, not like this now.
My agency i had been working for informed me they are trying to get a contract with some company and if they get it finalized then they would call me first. Supposed to be this week or next week. I'm really hoping for it.
Not working is a total borefest. Can't really do much at all, since i don't have money to spend. It all goes to bills.
Some positive news. My nephew turns 3 today

My dog is also doing good. He loves the Canadian winters. He would spend all day outside in the cold if he could, he is in love with snow i just wish more fell in Mississauga and Toronto.
I watched the Oscars last night. I was really pissed off Sean Penn won. I wanted Mickey Rourke to win it. If not him then Brad Pitt or Frank Langella. I really didnt think Sean Penn deserved it. Otherwise i was happy with the winners....and i actually liked the way they presented the major awards with past winners. Some didnt like it, but i thought it was a nice change.
People complained about the Dark Knight not being nominated for best picture. I like the movie, but after breaking it down many times i have concluded that outside of Heath Ledger's acting and the action scenes, the movie wasnt that great at all. I didnt really like the whole plot. I wish they went for the R rating to really show the Joker's sadistic side as well as Two-Face's dark side. That's what also pissed me off. They rushed the Two-Face character and then just kill him off. The Joker should have died and Two-Face should have lived to get a further plot. Blah i could talk about it forever.
Still enjoyed the movie though dont get me wrong

Maybe I'll load some new pics soon. It's been forever since i posted one.
Tonight 24 and House are on. My 2 favourite shows on television. Although House is having a bad season. He's lost his edge a bit. And im tired of having to watch 13 and Foreman have a big story line. They are the most boring chracters there. And i wonder why they call her 13, maybe its because the actress who plays her appeared on the OC and that got canceled, then she was in a great tv show called the Black Donnelly's which got canceled before people got to really enjoy it....shes just bad luck lol
24 is pretty good this year. Not their best season, but for sure way better then season 6. It will be interesting to see where this goes.
Other shows im watching this season are;
Fringe - really great new show, itsl ike the X-Files, but its done great.
Lost - show gets boring at times and i question some things they do, but im still watching it since it ends next year.
Smallville - Lois Lane needs to be on more. Shes the hottest one on the show. Enough of Lana, no one cares about her. And Doomsday needs to re-appear soon

Supernatural - I like how the show doesnt take itself serious and adds comedy to it. Great show.
Flashpoint - just started watching this 3 weeks ago and have become addicted to it.
Raising the Bar - started watching it cause it has Zach from Saved By the Bell lol ... but nice show for a friday night.
for mondays i also Heroes, CSI Miami if i have time The Big Bang Theory, Gary Unmarried and 2 and a half man.
Horatio Caine is the best one in the CSI franchise lol
Heroes - still not as great as it could be but im hoping it gets better
The Big Bang theory - funny funny funny show.
Gary Unmarried - still on the fence but Jay Mohr is pretty funny
2 and a half man - the best comedy on tv right now

hmmmm ok thats enough for now
maybe ill write another blog soon instead of in 3 months lol
comment if ya like, i answer all messages so dont be scared

ha. I read it.

*licks face* haha beat you to it!