I guess time to do a new blog since i been lazy and only did one in May.
Well i turn 25 on the 28th exciting eh ... got no plans really so if anyone can think of something let me know
I hope i at least get a cake this year...havent got one in 2 years ... that sucked
So tonight i been watching reality shows. The first one being The Moment Of Truth. That show still makes me laugh. what people will do for money, ruining friendships, relationships and families. I personally find it funny cause this time around they know what they are getting themselves into so you cant feel bad.
The 2nd show im watching is still on, Hell's Kitchen. Gordon Ramsay is just awesome to watch. Although this season i pretty much dislike every chef there so far, not one has impressed me enough to have faith in them they can handle a whole restaurant themself.
Sports news: Im happy Pittsburgh won last night. Im not a Crosby fan but i hate Detroit a lot. Im hating Kyle Busch real bad. Im a huge Dale Jr fan so Kyle is enemy #1, although i wont bash his skill since he wins but still an ass. Im hope the Blue Jays will heat up and start helping the Pitchers more. A Playoff spot does seem reachable this year. And i already cant wait to football season.
In other news. Still no job....im thinking i might just do some crappy job get some money and just travel and come back when the job market gets a little better. Im pick with jobs cause i wont be underpaid for work and a lot of companies are seeming to do that a lot.
Recent movies i bought were Untraceable and National Treasue 2
both great movies i recommend them
I also finally bought my dvd copies of the Devil's Rejects, and House of 1000 Corpses...gotta love the horror movies. Rob zombie does some good movies cant wait for more.
I guess thats an update for now
Wanna know more just ask...i answer any questions so dont be afraid to comment or message
hopefully ill do a new blog ASAP to keep it up for you all
Well i turn 25 on the 28th exciting eh ... got no plans really so if anyone can think of something let me know

I hope i at least get a cake this year...havent got one in 2 years ... that sucked

So tonight i been watching reality shows. The first one being The Moment Of Truth. That show still makes me laugh. what people will do for money, ruining friendships, relationships and families. I personally find it funny cause this time around they know what they are getting themselves into so you cant feel bad.
The 2nd show im watching is still on, Hell's Kitchen. Gordon Ramsay is just awesome to watch. Although this season i pretty much dislike every chef there so far, not one has impressed me enough to have faith in them they can handle a whole restaurant themself.
Sports news: Im happy Pittsburgh won last night. Im not a Crosby fan but i hate Detroit a lot. Im hating Kyle Busch real bad. Im a huge Dale Jr fan so Kyle is enemy #1, although i wont bash his skill since he wins but still an ass. Im hope the Blue Jays will heat up and start helping the Pitchers more. A Playoff spot does seem reachable this year. And i already cant wait to football season.
In other news. Still no job....im thinking i might just do some crappy job get some money and just travel and come back when the job market gets a little better. Im pick with jobs cause i wont be underpaid for work and a lot of companies are seeming to do that a lot.
Recent movies i bought were Untraceable and National Treasue 2
both great movies i recommend them
I also finally bought my dvd copies of the Devil's Rejects, and House of 1000 Corpses...gotta love the horror movies. Rob zombie does some good movies cant wait for more.
I guess thats an update for now

Wanna know more just ask...i answer any questions so dont be afraid to comment or message
hopefully ill do a new blog ASAP to keep it up for you all

thank you for the comment on my member review set!

hey cutie, put your sassy sepia toned photo as your profile pic