Everyone should go check out the new set done by the beautiful and very sweet RachelSage
It's up for member reviewal so go leave as many comments as you can and lets get another one of her great sets on the main page
Her newest set is
El Camino
ALSO, while you are there, comment on her previous set that is still up for member reviewal. Its not to late yet to get this one on the front page
Rolling Stone
She really is one of the sweetest and nicest i have met on my short time here so far. She didnt ask for me to do a whole blog for her, i did it on my own cause i think she is great and gorgeous and should be on the front page some more.
So leave lots of comments. Thanks
It's up for member reviewal so go leave as many comments as you can and lets get another one of her great sets on the main page
Her newest set is
El Camino

ALSO, while you are there, comment on her previous set that is still up for member reviewal. Its not to late yet to get this one on the front page
Rolling Stone

She really is one of the sweetest and nicest i have met on my short time here so far. She didnt ask for me to do a whole blog for her, i did it on my own cause i think she is great and gorgeous and should be on the front page some more.
So leave lots of comments. Thanks

I love M.Manson...