It's been a while since my last post I know, but I just haven't had anything to say. I thought I'd post an update to my relationship status advice post. Okay so this woman I've been seeing is pretty amazing in most respects. She is smart, beautiful, talented caring, and a whole host of other things I find attractive in a woman, and to date she's the only woman that has ever found me attractive. (as far as I know.) So of course I developed feelings for her, and put all of myself into building a relationship with her. The problem that I've run in to is that she 1. doesn't have much time to get together, and even when she does it's kind of a last minute thing. Like other plans she had fell through. 2. What ever time we get to spend together is cut short buy some reason or another. For example the last time she had to take her pet rats to the vet which would have been fine except she didn't want me to go with her nor did she think after the appointment would be good to get back together. Also no matter what ideas I have for finding time to see each other she always seems to have other things to do. Now I can totally understand her being busy with the way she makes her living. She takes commission work as a costumer and model. It's just that it never seems like she wants to find time to spend together regardless of her claims to the contrary. She says she likes me and finds me sexy; which is something I never thought a beautiful woman would say to me, and she wants to spend time with me but there are all these reasons she can't. The thing is I do understand she doesn't have much down time and spending time with me is low on priorities. That is part of the problem. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not asking for all her free time, but never knowing when or if she can spend some with me kind of wears on a guys confidence; you know? The other thing is, even if by some miracle one day she does develop feelings for me (other than baser ones.) She's told me she's not the monogamous type so even if we became more she would still want to be with more people than me. I am looking for more that that though. I want a real relationship. Don't get me wrong I like (finally) having sex, (I'm getting really good at kissing, and um..other stuff.) ... it's just I want more than that. I have made my feelings on all of this known to her, but she said that the way her life is it's the best she can do. I did get her to tell me what our relationship is to her, apparently after two years we are new friends. I have been putting some thought into this and in order to spare myself more heart ache maybe I should accept the friendship and not try to make more out of it. Of course by doing that I'll have to tell her I can't keep doing the physical stuff, because I equate that with more than friendship. If I do that I'm afraid she'll take it the wrong way and not want to even be friends. So what do you think? Should I give up on the notion of having more with her, or just let things continue and see how things turn out? Any advice would be appreciated. :-)
Full throttle go for it. Yes you will get hurt probably. I've been in a similar spot and set myself up for heartache. But then I would have missed all the fun.
@chefbeth You're probably right. I do want a real relationship with her, but if it means I get to have her in my life, maybe I can just go with what ever we're doing. Who know's it may lead to more, it may not, but as you said the in between IS fun. Thanks. ;-)