Excerpt from The Cemetery On The Hill, one of the 13 Morbid Tales by my dear friend Devon Miller.
Eva slipped off her sandals to feel the soft, freshly mown grass on her feet. The Sun shone through the leaves on the trees casting shadows that danced on her white sundress, and the gray, stone monuments around her. Feeling better than she had in weeks, she was grateful for the opportunity to walk to her favorite spot on such a lovely day, sure to be one of the last of summer. As a child, she walked through the cemetery with her grandmother who would say "It's the living you have to worry about, dear, no the dead." Eva had always been at peace, day or night, in the place that made so many uneasy. Eva's view on death and the afterlife was a side effect of those walks. Another of her grandmother's favorite cemetery proverbs was, "The dead aren't really here. They have much better things to do than sit in a cemetery and wait for visitors."
One of my favorite stories from 13 Morbid Tales, I hope you all enjoyed the peek, and will check it out, and support a very talented young writer. :-)